We must acknowledge our infinite Source of Power
and realize our ability to manifest instantaneously
before we can actualize anything else this year.
Dearest Light Transmitters and GEO Teams,
As our beloved moon once again glows full and radiant in our night sky, we join together to transmit upon the Planetary Grid this coming Tuesday. With hearts fired with love and the great commitment of our self-less service, we come together to shine the radiance of our inner Sun upon our world and all of humanity.
Increasing solar activity, along with cosmic and planetary alignments, continues to purify and bring to the surface all that needs cleansing in order to uplift humanity and our planet. Many are feeling the squeeze right now and we have many brothers and sisters requesting healings, emotionally and spiritually as well as for dire physical challenges.
In our hearts, we passionately dream of the day when we will see the end of suffering on our dear planet! We must focus diligently, dear Children of the Sun, to activate our ability to manifest instantaneously by building our Group Antahkarana and charging our Great Central Sun Magnetic Presence. We ARE the Rainbow Warriors and by establishing communication with our Central Sun Source, we serve as living transmitters of this God Force for all of humanity. Some of us are experiencing examples of instant manifestation in our lives...but we haven't seen anything yet as to what is truly possible and what is truly our birthright!
We have a beautiful audio gift this moon so we may weave together a unified chord of rainbow light, creating the Antahkarana...the bridge from the personality to the soul, to the I AM Presence and to the Great Central Sun. We then spiral to the Great Central Sun and bathe in a pool of warm golden liquid light, activating our solar magnetism so we may download our light encoded divine plan and become the creators of all that we wish to manifest! Some Light Servers prefer to meditate with the audio earlier in the day, then utilizing these energies to send focused Immaculate Concept in silent transmission at our scheduled time.
Dear Children of the Sun, we have a date to meet on the Rainbow Bridge this Tuesday. Let us glow with the light of a thousand Suns!
With deep gratitude for your service...Adonai! Go forth as Group Avatar!
I Wylle BE Participateyng
I WYLLE BE Participateyng In THyse Full Moon Planetary Grid Service Tuesdaye Nyghte Into Wednesdaye Nyghte To Assiste MY OWNE Tramsformatyon... AND That Of My Kyndred On THyse BELOVED PLANET AND Our Mother/SyStar GAIA HerSelfe Into Our NATURAL HOME Vybratyons and Planes.
PURE LOVE And Lyghte TO ALL...