The Planetary Grid Transmissions
New Moon ~ Solar Eclipse ~ Friday, July 1
With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting
during 4 synchronized times:
Sydney, Australia: 8 pm
Country of India: 8 pm
Paris, France: 8 pm
New York, USA: 9 pm
for Grid Transmissions on New Moon Solar Eclipse: July 1
To all Planetary Light Servers,
Grid Transmitters and Receivers,
Geo Light Teams and all Group Formations
Have you cleaned your closets, beloved Light Team? Have you swept the cobwebs of materialism from your life so that you may enter this next Great Initiation pure and cleansed in all ways? Just as the New Moon eclipses the Sun on July 1st, our Earth conjuncts the Grand Cardinal Cross and Sirius in the heavens...and the fireworks begin!
As we detach from our materialistic patterns of the past and embrace a more sustainable approach to living harmoniously on the Earth, it is essential that we use our expanded awareness to raise our fellow brethren in the Natural Kingdoms along with us.
Years of mistreatment and abusive tendencies must be cleared from the Earth's memory if we are to enter into a co-creative relationship with the Evolutionary Forces of Nature that is based on reverence, trust and harmlessness. Every mineral, plant and animal is on an evolutionary path back to Source ... on a journey towards achieving self-realization, a direct mirror of our path towards God realization! It is our role and privilege as Planetary Light Servers in human vehicles to act as conduits to bring forth the most appropriate cosmic energies to support them on this sacred sojourn back to Father-Mother God.
We are now called to invoke the Devic forces responsible for the physical manifestations of all Natural life forms to offer our heartfelt forgiveness for all human trespasses against the wellbeing of the collective Earth consciousness. Through this liberating expression of Divine Love and Mercy, we can build a Rainbow Bridge between our respective Kingdoms and live joyfully in co-creative harmony as one Group Avatar.
Let us now invite each infinitely patient mineral and majestic tree to absorb and radiate the Sirian Light Codes of the Divine Plan and support our ascending planet. Additionally, we request the Overlighting Devas of each species and geographical kingdom to inspire all of their neighboring elemental brothers and sisters to do the same!
As we harness the power of our attention and place it on the liberation and ascension of the lower kingdoms, we will raise the planetary vibration with the divine influx of energy from the Great Central Sun allowing for a swift and graceful entrance into the Golden Age.
Corporate Responsibility Here and Now!
Choose a Transmission Focus for your Country
Wielding Sacred Fire to Corporations, Monopolies and Elitist Factions of Control
All current and planned activities
All responsible people, companies and positions of influence
You may choose specific industries such as...
Food Industry (mass production and consumer manipulations)
Pharmaceutical Corporations Medical Industry
Technology including computers and cell phones
Science and Research
Mass Media
Educational Institutions
Planetary Assignment
July 1: New Moon Solar Eclipse
and the Planetary Grid Transmissions
In Cooperation with the Earth Element and the Evolutionary Forces of Nature
Supported by the Sirian light code infusions, the entire nervous system of Earth is catalyzing an explosive, passionate call for human beings to de-plug from materialistic ways.
The fragile and now imploding foundation of our current human existence has been based on an unconscious drive towards a financially based and identity based dream matrix. In our upcoming planetary transmissions, we are renouncing our attachments to identity based materialism. We are then wielding Sacred Fire to all world "corporations of control". This concerns those entities that intentionally fuel human entrapment by stimulating the outer desires through a plethora of marketing and product manipulations, and, in some cases, to horrific and very harmful extremes.
Our senses have been corded to this game through the entire spectrum of consumerism such as food production, medical and pharmaceutical industries, laboratories, mass media, petroleum, computer and technology, to name a few. Many of us are still hooked to and still buying from these corporations which only perpetuates the human wheel of samskara and suffering.
It is these mega-corporations along with their power driven greed that are in collaboration with our governments, military and financial systems. Part of the grand scheme, of course, is to keep humans dulled, sick, dependent and controlled. It is this imprisonment in the game of extremes on which we are shining the light to bring the liberation.
Quitting the Game of Monopoly
Building the Cosmic Pressure
and Wielding Sacred Fire to
Corporations and the Elitist Factions of Influence
This new moon, we join together once again to serve as a physical invocation instrument and divining rod for the descent of Sacred Fire. We first travel into the Ascension Seat at the Earth Core to undergo a recalibration of our physical body energy system to be in alignment with Earth's ascending pulse.
We will then serve as a human invocation instrument for the descent of Sacred Fire into the energy behind the crimes against humanity and the Earth, especially as this concerns corporations and commerce and greed driven, selfish motives.
We are requesting Divine Intervention for support towards immediate reformation to establish systems of command that support shared value, equality and Humanity's highest Divine Potential. We have all played the corporate game, either as manipulator or the ones being manipulated. We are simply changing the timeline and decoding the new race genetics and New Earth codes of creation.
With Love and neutralizing Harmony at the core of our Group Avatar, we are then projecting our consciousness into the energy of corporations and consumer manipulations. We are radiating the light of illumination and Divine Direction to all persons leading and influencing mega businesses and giant corporations. We are calling for the Truth to be revealed with unlimited support given to all people who can assist in delivering this Truth and that which is preventing the Flame of Freedom from expressing on Earth and in the hearts of all Humanity.
Most importantly, we call for the activation of the threefold flames in the hearts of those in corporate seats of influence.
Friday, July 1
New Moon Solar Eclipse
and the Planetary Grid Transmissions
In Cooperation with the Earth Element
and the Evolutionary Forces of Nature
This group activity takes place within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.
We travel into the Ascension Seat at the Earth Core.
On the New Moon, this "Ascension Seat" serves us as a "Recalibration Chamber" to integrate the potent incoming light now upon us. Our intention is to bring our own electrical system into frequency balance with the ascending nervous system of the Earth.
We will then serve as a human invocation instrument for the descent of Sacred Fire into the energy behind the crimes against humanity and the Earth, especially as this concerns corporations and commerce and greed driven, selfish motives.
Please choose an object of this mass transmission from your country or region, upon unjust conditions, specific corporations and their seats of influence!