Children of The Sun New Moon Grid Transmissions~

Lia's picture


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


The Planetary Grid Transmissions   


New Moon - Thursday, July 19 


 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

 Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm





Dearest Transmitters of the Christ Flame,


We are now entering the most intense period of purification and preparation we have yet to undergo as a Group Avatar. Every one of us is being called into direct action in order ensure the readiness of the collective for the upcoming Rites of Passage. Those of us who have mastered the art of self-control in relation to the desires of the physical body are now asked to transmit these realizations of mastery outwardly to all members in need of such support.


The natural state of ALL creation is one of perfection. This includes our physical bodies as we are a dynamic part of the unified whole. The manifestation of dis-ease or discord is a direct result of inharmonious actions, words, feelings and thoughts that are not in alignment with God's Law, which are founded upon harmony, unity, love and perfection. Any act of miraculous healing is brought forth by penetrating through to the true condition of any seeming malady - that condition being God Perfection.


As Light Transmitters, it is our divine privilege to transmit the Light of God That NEVER Fails into all areas of discord and fields of separation to bring about the remembrance of the natural state of perfection in any given form or situation. As we continue to apply the Sacred Fires to all particles of the physical body until the Immaculate Concept is revealed, we then bear witness to the dispelling all notions of illness and dis-ease.


In the Divine Reality, there is no illness nor is there 'health'. There is only perfection. In properly utilizing the power of our attention and intention, we can hold the heart-mind steady in the light, perceiving only the Truth - that all is perfect, whole and in divine order. Also, if it is perfection you seek, then you must first give that perfection out in the spirit of selflessness. See, think and feel God in everything and everyone as a silent blessing and divine act in accordance with the Law of Love.


During this New Moon transmission, let's keep our focus upon the ultimate goal - God Realization. In holding our entire Group Soul within this pristine vision of wholeness, we effectively raise ourselves up to level of purity required to swiftly progress to the next initiation.



