CHILDREN OF THE SUN: New Moon Solar Eclipse!

glr_Andrea's picture






The Planetary Grid Transmissions
New Moon Solar Eclipse!
Tuesday ~ November 13,  2012     

With unified meditation, receiving and 
transmitting during 4 synchronized times:


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm
Country of India: 8 pm
Paris, France: 8 pm
New York, USA: 9 pm








  globe gold


  Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ This New Moon Tuesday


Unified Focus ~ Living Life in the Absolute Reality


We are gathering on the Planetary Crystalline Grid this Wednesday to remain focused and intimately connected during this heightened phase of initiation as we are in momentum towards the heralded December 21, 2012 celestial alignment.   


In addition to the New Moon energy, there is a Solar Eclipse occurring on Tuesday, November 13th. This will serve as a powerful amplifier in support of our unified focus to realize our life in Absolute Equanimity.

Unified Focus: The Rite of Passage #8

The Rite of Equanimity     


In the Absolute Reality, there is only One Consciousness. It exists in everything. It is the active intelligence in all that we see, breathe, feel, think and consume.


To directly experience this one supreme consciousness in all things helps us to grasp the true understanding of Equanimity.


When we are in neutralized awareness, not for or against anything, we do not not attach to the world, rather, we "see" the world for what it truly is as a learning ground for consciousness.


Through Equanimity, our attitude in life is absolutely neutral towards everything that is regarded as the illusory self and the temporary world. We are unattached to outcomes and focus only upon the task at hand.


This Rite of Passage and the upcoming New Moon Planetary Grid Transmission sets into motion our steady transition to living our life with the Absolute Reality, that which is the unchanging pure awareness of the vaster Self.      

Grid Transmissions this Tuesday 


Let's meet on the Grid in our state of Equanimity and transmit the peace from the remembrance of THAT I AM. 

Rites of Passage Main Page 


The full text to this Rite focus and it accompanying Mp3 transmission will be released this Sunday with the Rite of Passage announcement.

