~Christmas Message from Poof~
Christmas Message from Poof
Hi, Folks -
Received as a personal e-mail:
Merry merry, happy happy. With the heat and pressure out here, I see a diamond coming out the coal they think they got for xmas. Everything is done with folks barely known in modern times because they shun the public but gathering to give a benediction over it all. People who have been looking out for the human condition, the elder folks on the planet. They view most of humanity as children.
In this moment, the children didn’t want to work for xmas so, it came to ‘when’, ‘if’ wasn’t even a question.
While you enjoy, your xmas at home, there are others working. I have told you all many time, there’s more going on here than changing your economic out look for the future. The Jetson world is within grasp, utter change is afoot.
Viewpoints and opinions will go by the wayside, quickly. True freedom and peace are in the offing and it can’t be stopped. Fear and apprehension, will recede in the consciousness. Those who want to keep the ‘wheel’ turning will find themselves ‘shunned’. ‘Don’t you have any good news?’ When they throw the door open, we have a feeling people will feel it before the first letter arrives at a door. Everything is in the atmosphere now.
Write this down, as a reminder, Fear; ‘false’ ‘evidence’ ‘appearing’ ‘real’, Enjoy your day. The day of liberty is upon you.