City of Oakland Joins the Fight Against Monsanto, Sues for PCB Contamination

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By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“Agrochemical giant Monsanto knowingly contaminated Oakland’s storm water and the San Francisco Bay with a highly toxic chemical for decades, a new lawsuit filed by the California city claims. Oakland wants the company to pay for the environmental cleanup.” [source]

Municipalities in the U.S. are fed-up with Monsanto’s corrupt tactics — and they’re hitting the corporation where it hurts: their pocketbook. Oakland California, the latest city to sue the biotech colossus, has filed a lawsuit seeking retribution for damages caused by harmful polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination.

In a press release by the city last Tuesday, The State Water Resources Control Board found that PCBs present in Oakland’s storm water is a threat to the entire San Fransisco Bay’s ecosystem.
