Claudia Coleman ~ Tips For Transformation ~ Its Here! ~ January 2012
2012: Its finally here. With the ending of several major cosmic cycles, the year 2012 has loomed large in our consciousness, especially since the Mayan Calendar became well-known. Characterized as the end times and the shift of the ages, this year has been anticipated with everything from fear and trepidation to joy and excitement. Capitalizing on the fear embedded in the mass consciousness, Hollywood and the mainstream media are ramping up their production of movies and documentaries catastrophizing the end times. Interestingly, a few of the more recent mainstream documentaries include speculations on the possibility that this is simply the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, that the end times are simply a stepping stone to new beginnings.
With the activation of the crystalline grids, the ascension wave is beginning to permeate mass consciousness. As Lightworkers we have a soul agreement not only to clear our personal energy fields of fear-based core issues and anchor the crystalline frequencies on Earth, but also to share our wisdom in loving service. Each one of us adds a single drop of Light-infused wisdom that ripples throughout mass consciousness changing it forever. Are you doing your part?
Until next month. Be well. Claudia.