Closing Ceremony of the Oympics ~ Beacons of Light

Lia's picture

So here we are approaching, 12th August (UK time) the end of the 2012 Olympic Games


Over these last sixteen days more than 10,000 Souls/Athletes have gathered in the UK from 205 Nations to compete in 300 events.   These sportsmen and women, from around the world,  have come together with great goodwill, graciousness and enthusiasm to celebrate the strength, dedication, agility and sheer determination of Human Spirit.


Throughout these 16 days the Olympic Torch has blazed its brilliance of light across the stadium,  an outer  manifestation of the Unifying Intention of the Light that lies at the Heart of this Activation – that we may all come together in Peace  Love and Joy – living as one Humane Family from within a heightened Consciousness Field.


This YouTube of the lighting of the Torch so symbolise the Unity Consciousness, that I have embedded it here – (it may have a glitch at 1 min 32 – but if you just let it automatically replay you will see the whole video and it is well  worth seeing – Divinely Inspired!!)



144 days prior to this event, we came together,  so that we might anchor the energies that would be flowing through the Stadium and then, as the Ceremony ended late at night on July 27th (UK time)  we imagined, sensed or felt this Toric Field, activated by the new Cosmic Currents of Love and Light, flowing out across the World, touching all life forms, rejuvenating, regenerating, transmuting and transforming all consciousness to new heights of awareness.


How perfect that  our unifying focus of the Toric Field, bathed in transformational  shades of deepest Violet should be so  mirrored throughout these Olympics – for nothing is by chance :)  



From the ribbons upon the medals



to the Light surrounding the Beacons of Flames – we have witnessed the transmuting power of this transcendent colour which we were called to embody during this time.   As Rebecca said ‘all of our flames/monads as *one* holographic flame of unity consciousness...’



Yet again,  this luminous transformational Violet Essence was portrayed in the Heart of London at the time of the Full Moon, in the picture sent in by Kerrie, we can see how the lighting technicians echoed the message - proof indeed, that we are all linked into the Cosmic Plan - consciously or unconsciously! 



And now, as we approach August 12th – the Closing Ceremony – we find that 3 Muluc, from the Mayan Day Count,  will be  enfolding our energetic fields – reminding us, if needed,  that we are the Beacons of Light that have been so aptly symbolised by the Olympic Flame.


I Am Muluc – the Lotus of Remembrance.

As awakening stirs  within your Earthen form,

The Cosmic Seed expands releasing its Elixir.

Like an exhilarating fountain it flows through the translator Beacon of Self

Arousing its whisper into a voice empowered to extend communication

Into the waiting Galactic Network.

I will assist you in finding balance in the shifts of perception that emerge

From the activation of these Sacred Seeds.

I will support you in assimilating New Energies and Frequencies


Within the Sacred Monolith, the Beacon of Self.

I will steady your outreaching hands until I am sure remembrance is truly yours

Certain you have heard strains of the Sacred Song

That celebrates your Beauty and Power

Then shall I open my arms to release you in harmounious passage keyed,

To soar through my gates, newly charged with the remembrance


Of your unfolding Purpose in the Cosmic Play of Light

The Mayan Oracle

The resonance of three links to movement, change, creativity, integration and the Sacred Trinity - it asks that we open ourselves to the currents of change – become the’ Third Point of Light’ created from the integration of polarity.


Muluc reminds us to become aware of signs and signals – to be aware that we are a receiving and transmitting station for Cosmic Communication.


‘Feel the Beacon within you, receiver, for Awakend Consciousness and transmissions of the Divine’

Witnessing the dedication of these Olympians  it can encourage us all to rededicate ourselves to our Purpose – which is to be the very best we can be  – to embody the Highest resonance and intent within our every day lives – to become a living,  breathing,  joyous Light that shines on All and in embodying this State of Consciousness we assist All to flow within this Field.

Let us keep the Flame burning brightly!!   In the words of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj a Being of Light born at the end of the 19th Century


"All existence is imaginary.   Only the Unlimited is real.  Question the limits.   Go beyond.  Set yourself tasks apparently impossible.   This is the way....       Let go of the idea that you are not aware of yourself as the ever-present, changeless inexpressible Reality.   Just let go.   The Absolute can be reached by absolute devotion only.   Don’t be half-hearted."

Peter will be putting out some information about the closing Ceremony later on and also a few thoughts about the start of the Paralympics that will start later in August.

All Love and Blessings

