Cobra: White Knights ~ The Cavalry Is Coming

Lia's picture

Cobra: White Knights ~ The Cavalry Is Coming

July 5, 2012 | Cobra

White Knights – The Cavalry Is Coming


There is a soul group that keeps reincarnating with the sole purpose of fighting against the Cabal and setting the planet free. In the middle ages, they were fighting against the Inquisition. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were fighting against the Jesuits. Now, they are mostly against the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. This group is the cavalry that is coming.


You can find them now inside the Positive Military, inside Templar groups, inside Faction 2, among members of the White Dragons Society, infiltrated inside various networks of the Cabal and among many freedom fighters inside the general human population. If you feel a burning desire for freedom of this planet and you are actually doing something about it, you may well be part of this group!

Each one of us is unique and irreplaceable. There is a higher divine plan which strategically positions each of the Light warriors in a mandala that only the Source has a complete overview of. This mandala is functioning with its full power only if each one of us does his mission. So do your part! If you do not know what your part is, keep searching for it, keep asking for it and you will find it. You do not need to fight with a gun. You can also fight for the Light with a clear vision, with a brilliant mind, with the power of the written word and by many other means.


Attacking and criticizing messengers such as Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, David Wilcock or Drake is not a wise strategy to help the Light forces. What the messengers do is they only relay info. They are NOT responsible for delays or missed deadlines.


After the Cabal was lately cut off from nuclear weapons, they began frantically developing new biological and chemical weapons. The Rothschild faction threatened to use one of these weapons (the so-called Flipper virus) and decimate the Earth’s population if the mass arrests would take place on July 4th. All those exotic biochemical weapons are currently being dealt with.

The plan for the planetary liberation is real and mass arrests play a vital part of this plan. Be aware that Disclosure, First Contact and Golden Age can not happen before the Cabal is removed. That may happen days, weeks or even months from now, but at a certain point it will happen. No action will be taken by the Positive Military that could potentially endanger human masses, therefore they will move only when everything is ready.





Guest's picture

well after a month of the calvery is comming and on the 4th it was supposed to be a green light and watch the fireworks. well another empty promise thats very frustrating. so now everytime i see a article or hear drake say the calvery is comming, i say bullshit

Negative thinking is not going to help.

Guest's picture

Have you considered that the very negative energy you and others who are complaining are putting out is why the cabal is able to keep comming back with their attacks.  Try to just let go, think positive good thoughts and let the energy work for the light.  In all good time everything that is meant to be will be.  If you keep thinking the worse, that is what you will keep getting.  This is an important message even if they do not come, or things do not happen as promised, for any time in your life.  Focus on what positive things need to be and direct your energy there.


Imagine a world of peace and harmony, where there are no wars, or bad guys, or starving millions, where the cures for all disease are found, and the earth has been put back in sync, where love is the energy that uplifts the world.  A world where you do not grow old, and you live for today.


Love and Light

Beth C.

I want to tell you ... dear

Kabniel's picture

I want to tell you ...

dear Beth, that the beautiful world you just described is already

in existence and waiting for you.  You can access it thru your heart.


You see, we exist  and blip in and out of many parallel realities

like morse codes every nano seconds of our lives. We are not in

what the left brain preceives as "solid" 3D reality. We are...after all

99% space and 1% material. Space is the scientific word for Spirit.


This parallel earth  I described is new. It was born on 11-11-11.

It has the brightest light, and karma game cannot exist there.....WOW..!


What these messengers , Cobra ,Drake, etc.,are telling us is just

one of the many realities that are playing in this quantum field.

If you buy into their "truths" you just locked yourself in their "parallel

reality. " You become a co-creator with them.


From where you are,    here are many lines of probability ,

called future worlds.... where you might want to go.

Others are doing it.

Don't worry about the details. Your Spirit knows.


I suggest do not allow yourself to get yanked here and

there with their         (Cobra, AAMichael, Salusa etc.)

announcements. Take them with a lot of salt.


Also, Ask your Spirit to take you to that parallel with the highest

light, drop into your heart and stay there...




The Purpose

guest's picture

This is really amazing when you step back and read the words of you lightworkers.  This is why we are here, is it not?  To be unsure, to be strong, to be afraid, to feel.  I just saw the movie Prometheus, granted it was pure science fiction; we are human and we chose to be human to experience this.  I too am skeptical about Drake, and Cobra ect; but really it makes this all so much more exciting.  I have been to war, i have seen death and destruction in Iraq; I have lost a lot.  I want this experience to be worth it.  I dont want to know every detail.  But thats just me...Lata


Guest's picture

The calvery can't get to everyone's door at the same time...sit yourself down and breathe in and out and clear some of that 'B' 'S' and then when you feel like yourself again, go to 'faith' not 'fear'...I see the cabal is still at work with some of us...did someone say it will be easy? you want the light coming in before your prepared to receive it...don't think so...maybe you can't see all that you should be seeing in your dimension...bring in the light till the calvery arrive...have faith with yourself...peace...


IdahoSilver's picture

Rest assured, when the monetary scene comes apart, the "cabal" will lose too.  All these messages come from so many directions that I believe something will happen.  Think of it this way:  General A has not been paid off by the richies.  Gerneral B maybe is doing O.K. with a little insider information.  General C is mostly proud of His Family.  They all sit down to lunch.  General A mentions his Son can't find any good work in the U.S.A. and may have to work in China.  General B adds that his Daughter and three children and Her "hippy boyfriend" are having to move back in with Him.  General C points out that his Son and 4 kids are already moved back, His two Daughters and 3 kids are living in the guest house and all together they have 5 dogs.  The Three Generals look at each other probing in to each others eyes...and in Unison..."We will track down the dirty Dogs that caused all this!!!

Whenever I read the term

Guest's picture

Whenever I read the term 'mass arrests' I stop reading. As a Lightworker I agree with Archangel Michael who said the cabal were being 'contained' which resonates with Love. The rest is fantasy. 

I agree

Guest's picture

I agree, but I keep reading. I just ignore the negativity it conveys. When I read these messages I always filter, what resonates I keep and what doesn't resonate I release.

Please do not get frustrated

Guest's picture

Please do not get frustrated as that only causes more negative energy and we must do everything we can to maintain the high energy. Time does not exist in the other realms, you/we know this so just accept that change is coming and stop putting demands for a certain time and thus causing more negativity. Hold the light. It will come but not because any of us demand this or get frustrated. We are trying to do this in the best way possible so that all souls re-member and have the least chaos for everyone in our world. Remember too that it is not just us who are ascending--it is the entire universe that is moving so there are many things that have to come in the best way possible that does not just include us. Be thankful that we have come this far for we have accomplished so much in such a short period without having to mention this has never been done before in the history of our planet. Some of you get so frustrated that you begin to act like you're still stuck in 3D when you know by the way you feel and see things that you are not. Get back to focusing and holding the highest possible vibrations possible and then it will happen. Come on, do not forget who you are. Together we will do this! We are doing this! Re-member who you truly are:)

Wake up will you

Guest's picture

We are been coned with the promise of mass arrests that never happen first it Was the threat of a nuclear weapon which according to the galactics is not allowed 


The vibration of the whole planet is rising we need to raise ours the promise of mass arrests Is just a distraction WAKE UP WILL YOU. Put your focus were it belongs.   

Love is patient, trust from within

Anonymous's picture

Unconditional love is needed now, from you...what you do to you, you do to the whole...blessing's...breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...


The war is being fought in the spiritual realms, too.

One Angel's picture

Agreed. The best thing to do is to be positive. We have to believe in the outcome we want before we will see this. Send love and encouragement to Drake, Cobra and others who are trying to help us and keep us informed. Remember we are all connected on some level. Keep them in your prayers and thoughts that no weapon formed against them will ever prosper. We may not be the ones who are on the frontlines at the battle field, but we can be their cheerleaders and not the ones who throw the bad tomatoes & produce. We have heroes--people who actually want to and are doing something--and in many, many ways are even succeeding one step at a time. That's a lot. So, instead of heaping your disappointment and lack of faith on them, send them your mental boxes of cookies and mental greeting cards full of well wishes, and let them know, hey, we are here for you, too.  There may be a critical mass consciousness we need to reach before the tide turns in our favor, folks--just like the 100th monkey syndrome. It's much too soon for you to quit. If we lose faith ourselves, how can we convince the others?


Once freed from slavery in Egypt after 400 years, the Hebrew children took 40 years to get to the promised land, and who knows that it wouldn't have been sooner if it weren't for the fact they were grumbling the whole way.


Not all battles are fought in the material/earthly realms. Most of them are fought in the spiritual realms. Keep in mind that the cabal are occultists, too. Heaven only knows what spiritual weapons they are also wielding to frustrate the attempts of our forces. This is why it's especially important for us to be positive forces of light. Even the tiniest bit of light can dispel a great deal of darkness. Don't hide your candle under a bushel basket.


Those familiar with the Bible will know the book of Daniel. Chapter 10 when Daniel prayed to God and he was heard the moment he did so and God dispatched an angel right then. However, the angel was delayed by spiritual forces of the prince of Persia for 21 days before he got to Daniel with God's answer, and was only able to do so with the aid of another angel. ( )


When you have the assistance of a heavenly realm in the war effort, to win a battle all you need is a little faith and one angel.


Personally I am grateful to have a little more time to prepare, too. And, I would like to know when we get to sign up for those ET language specialist classes?  Cheers & love everyone. Keep your faith.

mass arrests

Guest's picture

The earth needs millons of people like you. You have a have a beautiful heart!

Again I say raise your vibrations

Guest's picture


Eighty percent of the human body is made up of water
Water is just another life form it,s alive and in service to humanity

It can be used to raise your Vibration and here's a neat way to do it
First fill a glass up with clean water not the crap from your tap it has fluoride in it.
Then stick a peace of tape on the glass that you can write on, now write a positive  Word on it something like unconditional love   

Next put both hands one each side of the glass like. A karate chop
Look into the glass of water as if you are looking into a crystal ball
Now think of unconditional love like the love a parent has for there new born child If you have had that moment try and bring back that feeling do that for a few moments

Next drink the glass of water simply do that once a day you could even thank the water And magic will begin to happen in your life.

Make a point of saying something nice to someone at every opportunity

Stay away from the drama of mass arrests if there meant to happen they will happen.


Love Is The Solution To Everything

daughter of rebekah's picture

To the Cabal, the vibration of Love is Kryptonite. Love is your shield. Love is your spear. Love is how you fight when you are a warrior of Light. When in doubt, Love it out!
Love yourself when you are uncertain about anything.
Accept. Accept. Accept.

Yes, rise your vibs so as to be easy prey

King David's picture

This is getting rediculous??? 


Take me to your slauther masters of what we cannot see, hear, taste touch or smell, you great invisible-nesses. 


Get off this horse shit will ya! 


You phony ass holes are just pissing in the wind to most and have the attention of very few and gulible humans,,,,,,,,,,,again. 

Hostile much?

Guest's picture

You must be one of those very few and gulible humans of whom you speak seeing as how we have attracted your attention and you are still following this. Thank you for being part of the group.

For those who will believe, no proof is necessary. For those who will not believe, no proof is possible. (Anonymous quote.)

Like we haven't heard this bull shit how many time now

Guest's picture

Get a fucking job, and quit with this childish bull shit will ya. I am not Cabal of evil any more than the sheep reading this BS, I am doing my best to "see" what is really behind these leading messages. So far all I can assume is the Illuminati is simply continuing there hundreds of thousands of years of control over us and doing it the easy way, on paper, in minds now of how many??? We are so fucking gullible, are we not?