Cobra's Update, the Sun is Shining

Doreen Smith's picture

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

 Short Update About the Paris Conference and Zurich Workshop
Our Portal conference in Paris was a huge success. We have been instructed not to work on financial system but rather to transform the Paris vortex, as before the conference that vortex was one of the main Archon strongholds in Europe. We activated the Paris vortex for the Light and transformation of energies in Paris was tremendous. Needless to say, we immediately got sunshine and clear blue skies after many days of rain.

A strong interdimensional portal was opened and it connected Paris, Giza plateau in Egypt, Al Nilam stargate in Orion and the Galactic Central Sun. This portal will be one of the main stabilization portals for the planet at the time of the Event.


Our Goddess Spiral Workshop in Zurich went beyond all expectations and manifested energies of balance never experienced before. In the moment of the Autumn equinox, we have balanced female and male polarities and have triggered a planetary process of triangulating all pairs of opposites and merging them into Oneness.

Needless to say, we had sunshine all the time. The sun of One is about to rise on the surface of this planet.

Total Victory of the Light is near.





samadhimaster's picture

We are the victorious ones!!!! :)


Fluid binary problemsolving node tree, is my AI. Recognize limitlessness in binary reality, recognize reality, recognize me,you, mu



BelindaLove's picture

This is a Joy to hear!  What good news!!  Here Comes the Sun!  Woohoo!!  

About the Archonic energy lines in Paris

Michael Merkabaman's picture

An recent Cobra update talked about the Archon energy and negative energy lines in Paris, that hold the negative energies in place.
Basically it was a line down the Champs Elysee which goes through two major Arches with ancient Masonic symbolism as well as a smaller arch and an Obelisk, all lined up through the center line of Paris.
It was funny for me to read this because when I lived in Paris, for 3 years 28 years ago,  I walked up and down miles of this energy line, back and forth.
I never knew why but I enjoyed the walk immensely going through very old neighborhoods of Paris.
I actually LIVED on this line that they talked about!! Towards the Bastille.
But, now, I find it very interesting and curious that  the day after I graduated college, I moved to Paris and this walk became my most common routine activity.  I would always be in bliss and joy when I walked around Paris,
I thought I was just being a "loafer"  but I know now that I was doing my transmutation work at the time without being conscious of it!!
It's funny that the chanelled messages have said that as this process unfolds, more and more things will make sense.
 I have been finding this to be very true,

Very interesting

BelindaLove's picture
Michael, its interesting the way you did what you did in perfect synch with your Higher Self, although you were not even aware of that until Now. Isn't that Awesome??