Collaboration of Gaia Light groups at All Time High

glr_Andrea's picture


Collaboration of Gaia Light groups at All Time High


Summary in process. Collaboration of Gaia Light groups is at a height never attained upon the planet until this now moment.

Individual Hue-mans are receiving their collective assignments at this time, as they operate from a place of joy and inner passion for their 3D surface level missions.

Illusions about the intellect power are dissolved for these Light Ones as they operate not from such illusory foundations.

Light collaboration now comes freely to all of these, and even so-called non-awakened ones are hearing and heeding the call of a Higher Light source.

There is nothing remaining to prepare. There is nothing remaining to install. All paradigms align with the Higher Paradigm where all are traveling their Light path.

No turning back. Be in Peace on this journey.



...Whoa. Where did THAT come

Integrator81's picture

...Whoa. Where did THAT come from? Was that a channeling? : ]


^ This message seems to speak to me personally. Anyone else noticing this?


I spent all day - and I mean ALL DAY - 'laying some wisdom' on people, and I was barely even using my intellect, except for when I contemplated the proper grammar for the words that were flowing out of me. And somehow my fingers aren't even close to sore from typing. The words just kept flowing. And then I read this message and get chills like it's Christmas morning, especially from reading the words "Illusions about the intellect power are dissolved..."...because that's what I was mostly talking about all day - the benefit of quieting the intellect! And my words were definitely not coming from MY intellect, they were coming from someplace else...


I guess Eckhart Tolle was right about the incredible power that we can tap into when we silence our thoughts. (If anyone reading this has not read The Power of Now, I highly recommend that book.) At first I didn't know what to think about his claims...but that's the problem - I was still THINKING about it! I was thinking about thinking, instead of actually giving it a shot and quieting my intellect.


Tolle claims that we actually become MORE conscious and aware in the Present Moment when we quiet our intellect, or if we at leach detach ourself from our thoughts while we think them (so that we don't make the mistake of believing we ARE our thoughts).


I have to vouch for Mr. Tolle and say he's correct. our intellect is only a very tiny part of our mind and our overall Consciousness. The intellect is like a "tool" that we can use when necessary, but why would we want to keep the buzzsaw running after we're done using it? Why not switch it off and let it rest after it does its job? & I dare say we tap into even MORE of our inner-intelligence and awareness when we lay our thoughts to rest. There's no need for the mind to be a noise-factory 24/7. All that noise was shouting over the softly-spoken Wise One within; and that Wise One is Self -- it's you, along with the Collective Consciousness. : )


-Balance & Vitality-



Integrator81's picture

btw, there's another thing that WE wanted to share =)


Dream this morning - the thoughts were sporadic and rather chaotic, but suddenly there was a realization from deeper within, like an ancient remembrance - if the insight could be explained with words, it would go something like, "Oh yeah - these thoughts aren't even necessary! They're not even real!" And then the plethora of jumbled-up thoughts did break apart completely, and this was witnessed visually and felt sensuously; GLR ANdReA, "dissolved" is the perfect word for it . And there was immediate peace, clarity, empowerment. A purification that cleared the way for unlimited joy...


Heavenly days have arrived, y'all!! =D