The Coming Change in Global Consciousness

Rain's picture - 10/15/12

World global consciousness


In 1974, American professor of psychology Dr Clare W Graves wrote an article for The Futurist magazine titled Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap. Graves described an impending change in human consciousness that would be, in his words:

‘…the most difficult, but at the same time the most exciting transition the human race has faced to date. It is not merely a transition to a new level of existence but the start of a new “movement” in the symphony of human history.’

His claim wasn’t just speculation though, it was based on seven years of field research plus almost 20 years of data analysis. Unfortunately he died before publishing his research findings and therefore his work remains largely unknown. Graves’ theory was used as the basis for the book Spiral Dynamics (Beck & Cowan, 1996) and most of his original research papers were eventually published as The Never Ending Quest (Cowan & Todorovic, 2005).

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Inifinite Possibilities Await The Creative Thinking Beings

WayShower2013's picture

As we get closer to the central Sun infinite possibilities await the creative thinking beings here to experience the awakening. 

All is changing as love and light become one with mother earths creative realm.

We breath in experience of spirit, you breath out expression of soul.

We are all becoming one with mind and spirit. The forth world will end soon and the fifth world WILL begin. This the elders everywhere have known, so many signed have been for-filled and so many few are left.

On the winter solstice we will receive a ray of Golden energy from the central Sun, the fruit of the tree will ripen and the harvest will begin.

All humanity will move into the seventh Golden Age. Nothing will be destroyed, eliminated or sent back. The dark energy will be transformed and move into the new age of love and light. We will all reunite as one with the divine plan of heaven.

We are all galactic humans and we shall return to full conciseness.

Love is all their is their is only love.

Love and light to all "We have finally made it".