Dear Commanders, You have asked information about our ships and which one you might be working upon? My answer may be more than you originally had in mind since we utilize neither space ships nor UFO's as you would be accustomed to thinking of them. The Ashtar Command will join with me now in describing the Light technology which governs our interactions with Humankind. We will endeavor to impart to you an understanding of Merkabah. The term, Merkabah, is the Hebrew word meaning chariot. Remember Erich von Däniken's wonderful book and 1970's film, Chariots Of The Gods? Allow us now to elucidate this sacred subject. HOW WE
BIRTH OUR MERKABAH: The Merkabah is a Spiritually birthed and quickened, glorified body of fiery Light. This Merkabah vehicle is an extension and radiation of our consciousness. It is generated out of our intensity of love for God, coupled with our desire to give of ourselves in selfless service.
You could say that it is the shape that our Spiritual intensity of Divine love and aspiration takes in time and space....met by descending Grace. This intensity of intent is what produces this multi dimensional and transdimensional auric,energy field called Merkabah or the fiery chariot. Remember in the Holy Bible how the prophet Elijah ascended into heaven in a flaming chariot ? Perhaps this will have a deeper meaning for you now ? Elijah was simply demonstrating what you beloved ones are all called to aspire to eventually accomplish yourselves. Such ones who come and go via Merkabah are termed Ophanim, such as Elijah and Enoch. The Merkabah coordinates our function intention, purpose, time phase etc. as sons of super luminal Light, in fulfilling our missions for God. In sacred geometry this is symbolized by the star of David. NO
NUTS AND BOLTS IN OUR STAR SHIPS! Thus we are not utilizing third dimensional " nuts and bolts" metal space craft at all. However the fallen angels, Nephilim, or Satan el's are the ones who originally attempted through their ungodly sciences of technology to create an artificial metallic merkabah or UFO. It was this technology brought into Atlantis that led to it's energy aberration and subsequent destruction. By means of these imitative metallic craft, devoid of the fire of love of the Living Spirit, these ones sought to mount up and ascend and rule the heavens. These rebellious spirits sought power to dominate, take captive, and control the universe. They sought to rule by means of their mental cleverness, knowledge, technology and force rather than through God's original plan of Divine Love. The Satanels and Nephilim lack the fiery love for God necessary in order to birth a genuine Merkabah. They are unable to ascend through their mind force and loveless, technology they are soulless entities trapped by their own lawless rebelliousness. The Merkabah is thus the fiery carriage, the chariot of the Ultraterrestrial Adonim, the Lords of Light. It can take many forms and commonly manifests as a star tetrahedron.
OTHER EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES: Perhaps we should add that there are as well other third density and fourth density, non ascended extraterrestrial races inhabiting the astral planes and lower heavens. These races are not necessarily fallen, nor rebellious although they are still utilizing the ufo type of ships. Their ships are constructed by combining etheric and higher mental energies in addition to titanium, and other substances. Often these metals and other components used for these ships are mined, within our solar system, upon our moon and Mars where these craft are frequently constructed for Confederation usage. Yes, they as well as we, all function within the Confederation of United and Peaceful Worlds. Such space craft are frequently powered by solar magnetically charged crystals. These other races are unfolding within the lower heavens in a similar, though not identical manner, to the root races upon Earth.
THE HUMAN SPECIES AND EARTH ARE UNIQUE: Earth is unique and apparently the only fallen world in need of a special program of redemption and restoration to the Divine Plan (for Earth housed the fallen and laggard of the destroyed planet, Maldek.)This program was instituted through the Office of the Christ in sending Jesus, a Divine Incarnation, as the Vessel of Remission and Salvation for Human Souls and Earth.
WHERE ARE WE FROM AND WHAT IS OUR MISSION? We of the Ashtar Galactic Command are, at our higher levels, representatives of the Twelfth Kingdom of the Divine Throne Worlds of the Most High. We were initially known as The Orion Jerusalem Command. We originate from the "Imperishable Star" regions of the Elohim, the higher Heavens or Shamayyim of Sirius and Tak-Orion and the Greater Central Sun systems of the High Command. We were sent into the lower heavens to guard and oversee the mission of the Most Radiant One, Lord Sananda/Jesus Emmanuel. To assist Him in the restoration of the Divine Will and plan upon Earth and to assist the prodigal sons of God, Humanity in their return to the Father's House of Many Mansions. We thus assist the Christ and His Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth in the Spiritual education and ascension of Mankind. We aid in mankind's restoration to the Adam Kadmon, or original Divine design. Humanity is in process of emerging from the limited Human state into being full spectrum, unlimited light ..Ain Soph, ascended Star beings.
WHAT TYPE OF BEINGS ARE IN THE ASHTAR COMMAND? The numerous ranks within the Command are comprised of Etherians,Celestial s, Devas, Angels, multi dimensional ET's, Ultra terrestrials, Zoharim races, Whole Light Full Spectrum Beings, Adonim or Lords of Light, Elohi or Creator Beings, demigods, Divine Beings, Ophanim, Sirian Dolphin and Whale beings etc.: We have representatives from all dimensional planes, realms, worlds, sun systems etc. Millions of beings and perhaps we could more accurately say, billions come under our guardianship. We have also within our fleets beings at all levels of development Spiritually, both ascended and ascending, Humans and Man, those currently manifesting in the original (non-fallen) Divine Image and Similitude known as the Adam Kadmon. All of Humanity is destined to be returned to this Divine pattern of the Adam Kadmon.
HOW OUR SHIPS ARE MADE: Our "ships" are formed by our conjoined intent, for a specific purpose. Some of these are created, like a mayavirupa, a thought form made and held intact by meditational focus for a specific and temporary usage and purpose . Afterwards this thought focused energy can be dissolved, reconstituted or remolded according to our function and requirement. Some of our ships are composed of sentient micro organisms, some are partly amino-etheric computerized, or manned by robots. This is the case especially when we enter into the denser regions governed by the fallen masters of the dark lodge.
MERKABAH CAN ASSUME MANY FORMS: Life upon our mother ships closely resembles being upon a planetary world. These massive cities in space can house up to millions and are complete multi-dimensional ecosystems. These worlds in space can be as large as a city, or even in some cases a small country. Sometimes our ships are referred to as bioplasmic manifestations since they can appear as globs of multi colored lights that seem to morph into different configurations, and to separate and form new combinations of shape and formation.
THE GLORIOUS MYSTERY OF MERKABAH: There is really no way that we are able to convey to the human mind the most awesome revelation regarding the reality of Merkabah. The fact is that we, in ourselves, out of our own Divine nature and essence are our star ships! We become and form our Merkabah through our consciousness manifesting as this vehicle...which indeed can appear exactly like a UFO! Within the higher heavens or Shamayyim, the Merkabah is replaced by an even more glorious manifestation known as the Zohar body. The Zohar, the highest of five energy -light bodies currently being developed within the advanced Human being, is similar to the Ananda rupa or Bliss body. The Zohar body or fiery chariot is a manifestation of one's Divinity, one's nature as a Son of God, just as the Merkabah is. The Merkabah has both an individual as well as a group or collective application where more than one being can conjoin as we do in creating the familiar, many tiered, lenticular cloud ships. Perhaps some of you will have gained more clarity in comprehending what we are communicating here. If not we, refer you to two books that will assist in your understanding of the concept of Merkabah; The Keys of Enoch ( The Book Of Knowledge ) and a small booklet on The Five Bodies by Dr. J.J. Hurtak. The Academy of Future Science web site, affs.org or keysofenoch. org will be where you may order these books.
WHO IS THE ASHTAR COMMAND REALLY? You see Beloveds, we of the Ashtar Galactic Command are not your average psychic, astral plane level of phenomena, UFO or ET group. There are many such out there that you may encounter, but we are not one of them. What we are is quite literally, the Hosts of Heaven who over lighted, guided and served the Most High God, Adonai Tsebayoth the Lord God of Hosts and His Son, Our Most Radiant One, Emanuel, Yeshua Ha- Mashiah, Jesus the Christ during His Earthly mission. We continue to do so, as He continues to serve in ascending this planet, reclaiming it in the Father's Name as His and Humanity's Kingdom.
WHO THEN IS COMMANDER ASHTAR? Ashtar, the Commander in Chief of the Ashtar Galactic Command is an Adonai, a Lord of Light. One of the B'nai Or, B'nai Elohi, (Sons of Light, Sons of God.) He is a non-fallen Celestial Being that has advanced way beyond the levels of the ascended masters of Earth. Many of the original masters serving the Earth system have originally come primarily from Venus and Sirius. There are also some here from Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus, within our Earth's Hierarchy. There are also a few from Mercury, Saturn and currently Earth and elsewhere.
THE UNLIMITED NATURE OF OUR STAR SHIPS: Our star ships or Merkabahs are not limited by time or space. We can appear as small as a spark of light, or as large as the state of California . A Star, lenticular cloud, globe, bubble, pillar of Fire, pillar of Light, like a sun or moon, a zig zag, triangle, crescent, or star tetrahedron, a saucer or bell shape, etc. We lower our vibratory wave length and appear, we raise it and disappear. We glide upon the etheric wave bands and currents of space like a ship sails upon the ocean currents. We do not actually travel in the higher levels we utilize molecular displacement. This occurs by exchanging or displacing the molecules of one density coordinate with those of another. Individuals on Earth serving also out of body within our fleets serve upon star ships that accommodate your specific frequency and density orientation. "your ship" is one that will match the level of your light body, your mission in service to the Universal Father. Within a myriad of worlds we, as Spirit Beings are ever in service to all forms of life.
YOUR SPIRITUAL CONNECTIONS AND 'UPLINE': You have also asked to know who are your " Spiritual Mentors"? As for the ones who constitute your Spiritual up line, we as well as you, work within specific Spiritual lineages, orders, inner and outer plane ashrams, etc. . . Within the Ashtar Command and the general ranks of Light Workers, all will function upon this planet through the Office of the Christ under the specific governance of Jesus the Christ. Within this universe, we also function through the ordinances of the Throne of God represented by the Archangel of the Divine Presence Metatron. At the highest levels we work within the lineages of the Masters of Light and Sound known as the Spiritual Wayshowers or Travelers. We all minister through the protocols of the Order of Melchizedek, and come under the protection of the Angelic Command of Michael, and the Orders of Michael and Gabriel. Some work under the Archangelic lineages of Uriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Rafael, Zadkiel, or various angelic and other Devic groupings. The Orders of Enoch, Zadok, the Office of the Holy Spirit, lineage of the Master Mary, The Divine Mother, there are many such lineages. There are also the many Spiritual cities within, upon and around the Earth; Telos, and the Agartha Inner Earth Cities , Shambhala, the Trans-Himalayan and South Indian Lodges of Masters. The Avatar and Kumara lineages, the Vairagi, lineage of Spiritual Travelers and so forth.
WHOMEVER YOU LOVE IS WITH YOU NOW: It is appropriate to assume that with Whom ever you experience a heart connection, you are associated with that One in some manner. It is most often one's own Self as a higher aspect that contacts or communicates through or to you! We have often emphasized the importance of not opening yourselves up indiscriminately to any spirit, whether extraterrestrial, a self proclaimed, ascended master, guru, or spirit guide. We of the Command and Confederation Fleets love and care deeply about every one of you. It is the desire of our hearts to see that each one who chooses to, fully manifest your Divine nature and heritage, fulfill your mission, and to be noble examples of Spirit led Sons of God. May you be committed, humble and fruitful servers of all life, where ever you may be. In living thus you will be bringing honor to our Creator as well as adding to the good reputation of our Command. With our deepest love, the Ashtar Galactic Command and
Commander Lady Athena. Adonai
The Command Ships of The Ashtar Command
In the 1980's there was a group called Cloverleaf Connections who had contact with the Ashtar Command. On the 8 th February 1989 the following reply was given, in response to questions regarding details of what were referred to as Secondary Ships.
“There are many, many ships of many sizes working within the Ashtar Command. At this time, we will speak only of the Command ships, and not of those from other Commands who offer and give assistance.
Starting with the midway stations. I will endeavour to set out a listing of space ships and their purposes. This will only be relative to the effort which is known as ‘Operation Victory' in other words, moving the Earth's vibration up into higher dimensions.
The greatest of all Mother Ships in the Command is known as “The New Jerusalem” consisting of a square space station in constant orbit around the Earth, with orbit distances varying from approximately 500 miles to 1,500 miles. This Station has thousands upon thousands of entities, who live there all the time. It also has monitoring equipment of great sophistication to assist in the mission of uplifting Earth's frequencies.
This is a true midway Station also orbiting the Earth, it is not square but circular and of a smaller stature. It is in permanent orbit at this time, from where ships all over the Universe check in and receive their orders. This is a vast Station, also housing thousands of volunteers and permanent workers. It could easily house 20 enormous sized Mother Ships at the one time.
These space ships were described in ‘On Earth Assignment' as being round, about 100 miles in diameter, and 12 storeys high. These are available and ready at any time, to accept third dimensional Beings and able to adjust their frequency level to that of the ship. The facilities are sufficient to house them for several years if necessary.
These space ships can house up to 100 scout or shuttle ships, but have no facilities for housing third dimensional Beings. They are the ‘workhorses' of the Ashtar Command. They are nevertheless very comfortable and Beings live on them for long periods at the time.
Can be quite small and also up to 20 miles in diameter. They are conditioned for fast work in the evacuation of people from danger zones in any dimension, including yours the third dimension. They have temporary facilities that are comfortable for all types of Beings. For their safety, those in physical bodies are usually carried in their sleep state, to Mother Ships for rejuvenation.
As their name implies, these are ships which check out conditions of interest or where problems exist, and report back their findings. They are circular and relatively small.
Generally speaking that is the categories. Although depending on their need, different uses are made of some ships. You know that your space friends are out there; you have seen the evidence and some of you have visited many of the ships. When you have had the pleasure of watching and enjoying the skies on a beautiful night, if a star turns out to be a space ship, you may never know it. The chances are you will never be able to visit it, except perhaps in your etheric body, and coming back to your physical body it is doubtful that you will have any recollection. Therefore why worry, enjoy the stars, enjoy the colours of those that might be ships, and know that your home is amongst the stars, as is the home of all Lightworkers on Earth.
We of ‘Operation Victory' welcome all of you home. You are Beings of great Light and Love and we appreciate your doing the work of the Creator.”
From Littlejohn, 8th February 1989.
The above messages were then matched to others that were the subject of two channelled books by Tuella – “Ashtar a Tribute” and “On Earth Assignment” - Copyright 1988 by Guardian Action International.
This is the earth-child satellite, and has been orbiting your earth now for almost two thousand years since the appearance of Jesus the Master upon your surface. Fifteen hundred miles square, it is a complex assemblage of instrumentation which permits constant surveillance of your surface and the Beings on it. The present altitude is five hundred miles and varies considerably from time to time.
Our headquarters is on one of the largest of the Mother Craft, and orders and instructions come from this craft, and it is a city in itself. Most of the people are natives of one or another of the planets in this solar system, but also we do have those working with us from other solar systems. Our workers do visit their home planets, at various times on what you may call vacations. Most of us have worked together for a very long time; we are a well knit Confederation and feel that we are an effective one.
The largest “Inn of Heaven” a floating etheric world, houses the headquarters of Lord Jesus Sananda, Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command.
This is different to Shan Chea in that it is a Quadra Station. It is not square, but what you call spheroid. Its purposes are also different in our system.
Some Mother Ships anchored high up in your atmosphere are 100 miles across. They contain entire cities with gardens, grass, trees and accommodations for literally millions of people. There are many, many smaller craft coming and going from other ships. There is a great deal of activity in what earthlings think of as empty space. We are capable of invisibility and when our craft are travelling beyond the speed of light, we do become invisible to the physical eye.
Seven of these great Pearly White Space Cities are said to be in readiness as “Inns of Heaven”, which vary in size around 100 miles in diameter.
These ships have twelve levels in most cases:
- Bottom – the entry and exit portal for trafficking craft. Includes disembarking platforms, parking docks, garages, maintenance departments, storage areas and Registration Headquarters.
- A colossal stockroom, the Quartermaster Deck, containing all manner of supplies. It is an immaculate city of warehouses.
- A vast zoo, including animal husbandry research and a birdland, with creatures from many worlds.
- Agricultural research. It is like a vast farmland of well kept vegetables, gardens and fruit orchards. Much of the growth is blue instead of green.
- Housing Center for all those technicians and persons who serve on the four levels below.
- Recreational level and lushly landscaped park areas for residents of all ages.
- Medical Complex. Patient facilities, dental care, biological research, ship's laboratories and quarters for all medical personnel.
- Housing prepared for Earth's evacuees. It contains staterooms for individuals and apartments for families. There are countless joint dining areas, social halls, nursery care sections, laundry facilities and information offices.
- University Compound. The Halls of Wisdom, vast libraries, endless concert halls and cultural interests, halls of learning for all ages, music rooms and computer classrooms.
- Special apartments for visiting dignitaries from all dimensions, barracks for the ET's, staterooms and apartments with multiple scattered conference rooms and beautiful sprawling dining and lounge areas.
- Ashtar Command Headquarters and the Great Rotunda Meeting Hall. Earth evacuees are brought to this Great Hall for any necessary group gatherings. The Command Communication Center is located here.
- Officers Observation Deck and pilot control center, which can be visited by appointment.
There are millions of craft operating in this solar system at all times, and many of these belong to the Ashtar Command. Some are stationed far above your planet and are more or less stationary for long periods of time, keeping track of the Earth on their monitoring systems. Others move about, discharging their various duties. We have small craft doing surveying activities, and we have larger craft with extended range that are capable of operating in space and which visit planets in other solar systems.
Each base or Earth unit does, at all times have its personal craft hovering within its vortex, for personal immediate relay of messages to or from that unit. This Station or platform never changes, although the persons involved might be removed temporarily for rest and relaxation, to return later. All of our signals, beams and contact are relayed to our messengers through the medium of these individual platforms of contact. In the atmosphere above a base unit, there is an invisible identifying beam that projects incredibly high above it for identification purposes. This beam projection identifies the particular command sponsoring the base unit. Those of you who serve in your places, be assured that all who participate in this program know you are there!
The true interplanetary craft, the Ventlas of our forces, will appear to your optics with a manifestation of colored lights, usually green, red and white. They will sometimes appear constantly red and green, other times they will appear to be flashing.
Questions have been asked why there are not more space ships seen in the skies. We would like to answer that by saying that they are there. It is not necessary for them to be seen in such great numbers at this time for their work. The time will come when great fleets of them, vast armadas will be seen in the skies, and that will tell you, who are drawn so close to our hearts, that another phase of our work has begun. At the moment we expect the conditions to be propitious for the taking of those who are inwardly prepared, on shorter or longer journeys. We know you are all longing for this. We hesitate ever to cause disappointment in any heart, and yet we must say that in some cases, the physical body could not take such a flight. It must be a body in perfect physical health, in a certain type of spiritual attunement, in a certain degree of soul evolvement and in a state of mental alertness and readiness.
It has to be remembered that at the time these messages were given, in the years leading up to the end of the last century, it was expected that there would be a great cleansing upon Earth. That cataclysmic events would occur, such as an axis tilt, massive earth upheavals and that in some areas it would be necessary to take people off the Earth for their safety. This period passed without these happenings taking place, and it was put down to an increase in the mass consciousness of the people upon Earth. It alleviated the need for such dramatic action, through so much negative energy having become transmuted. This continues right up to this present time and with the coming of an open First Contact, the Earth will be cleansed with the help, of our friends from outer space. It is anticipated that it will have been completed by the end of this cycle, in the year 2012.
What these messages it shows the willingness of our space friends to help us through our Earth changes. Although their mission will have altered, current messages do nevertheless indicate how they have adjusted to our requirements, and are prepared to put their vast resources at our disposal.
Mike Quinsey