By Christine Horner
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
“The idea behind QE is that you don’t need a printing press to add money to an ailing economy”, cites Jeff Kearns in his Bloomberg report.
You probably don’t realize this, but the Federal Reserve’s bond buying program, also known as quantitative easing (QE), that began after the 2008 global economic meltdown was more than just economic stimulus, it was primarily what kept the U.S. economy from totally collapsing — along with similar efforts coordinated globally.
Ending October, 2014, the 3.5 trillion dollar intervention was the biggest emergency economic boost in history; the equivalent of Germany’s economy. Capitalism couldn’t save itself from . . . well, from itself, and its inherent flaws that caused such conditions to arise. Let’s revisit history, so we can carry forward its lessons toward building a better tomorrow.