HJ: There is nothing more misunderstood than food. And yet, therein lies one of the keys to radiant health and wellness. Our health is a combination of the beliefs we have about ourselves, our emotional state, the condition of our bodies and the food we choose to put in it, among a few other things. It is complex, but certainly the role of food cannot be overstated. The body thrives when it is supplied with ample nutrients and healing substances and falters when fed nutrition less garbage, especially if you believe the body is susceptible and inherently flawed (which, I would add, it is not).
But perhaps that’s straying off point. The fact is that proper nutrition can be a huge factor in your health and wellness and in this fantastic, detailed article, Dr. Mark Hyman breaks down just what exactly your brain needs to heal and thrive. Enjoy.
- Truth
Comfort Food For Your Brain
What you feed your body, you also feed your brain — sometimes to its detriment. Learn how to nourish your gray matter for more balanced moods, clearer thinking...