October 28, 2011
~Composite Planet Lightbody~
We are still here, but have we grown up?
To answer that question,
it is best to ask our child within ...
THE CHILD WITHIN All that I have waited for, through the sorrow and the strife
Can it be that it is possible, that I will find it in THIS life? Somehow I never gave up, though I came right to the edge Can it be that NOW I'll find, that I am waiting on the ledge? It is here that I wait patiently, my hand upon my heart Can it be, at last, I found the life I've searched for from the start?
Memories flash before me of a place I've never left And at the loss of being there, my feelings are bereft All that I remember that I've wanted in this life Was to find a peace within me, and the ending of all strife I remember who I AM now, and no longer need to suffer I know the ME I AM inside, and release my final buffer I release all the behaviors I created to protect me I no longer need hide in them, now that my Soul is free
I'm alone without my armor, alone without my pain Alone without my memories of all that I "should" gain I no longer care for "gaining," or making myself strong Instead, I go inside my Soul, who's been there all along The Home that I have cried for, is knocking at my door I release what I have "worked for." I don't want it anymore I accept the life that's dawning, and see it in my heart It is the ME that I've so missed, who's been there from the start
As I awaken to this dawning, and come back into the whole I see how work and mundane life, has pulled me from my Soul I feel I'm almost back now, and my visions show the Way I'm oh so close and, yet so far, from living that great day I forgive the ME who I became, in the darkness of that night I embrace the ME, the one who cried in loneliness and fright The child within will show me how to find my way back Home The child within will find a smile when I'm feeling so alone The child who lives inside my core, remembers why I came here I came to help dear Gaia, hurt by anger, greed and fear I came here once to do a job, which I hope is almost finished
A child of Earth, I came to help my Mother, so diminished She's almost back into Her SELF and thanks me from Her heart "Come with me NOW," I hear Her say, "For, of ME you are a part!" I feel Her love embrace me, as I listen to Her voice I know that I will go with Her. I KNOW that is my choice For, oh so many lifetimes, I've visited this Earth
And now I'm ready from my Core, to welcome OUR rebirth I speak for all the brave Ones who answered Gaia's call As she asks us now to join Her, the request is for us ALL!
Together we return, to that which is our Home,
And from that point of love and light, the Universe we'll roam!
This is OUR ascension. Thank the Heavens, literally, for the Galactics and some very brave people who risked their lives, as well as some who gave their lives, to tell the rest of us about what has really been going in our 3-D Game.
When we were children, we believed the illusions and played the Game without trying to "look under any rocks." Now, we are adults. In fact, we are grounded Galactics, Celestials and Ascended Masters who took bodies during this "time" to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.
As we awoke to our Multidimensional SELF, we could no longer "mind" an unjust system and wait for someone else to save us. It is time for us to save our selves. We hold the power because we hold the love. We hold the Light and we hold the power of Truth.
From the loving perspective of our Multidimensional SELF, we can see where we tolerated the intolerable because we did not feel empowered enough to face our fear of change. This fear is actually our friend because it shows us where we are stuck in the 3-D Game and have not, yet, reclaimed our Wisdom, Power and Unconditional Love. Fear also shows us where we are stuck, hence, forcing us to change.
When we really take a look at our lives, we often see how things that "threaten" to go wrong, or actually do go wrong, are actually opportunities for us to exercise our power of creativity. Through our multidimensional creative force, we can call upon solutions from our SELF that allows us to see each problem as an initiation that brings us closer to our Soul.
We also learn that far too often things have to break down before they can be restructured, repaired or transmuted. The areas of our life in which we are out of sync with our Soul are so uncomfortable now because we are merged with our Multidimensional SELF enough to recognize when we fall out of alignment. Now that we know the Truth of our SELF and have directly experienced a sense of unconditional love and unity with all life, we are strong enough to continue into the unknown with faith and courage.
We, also, feel the ever-expanding Collective and Planetary Consciousness. Simultaneously, we feel those who have tried to stop that expansion of love and light. However, now their power has so greatly diminished that we are feeling safe enough to fully surrender to the unknown, which is increasingly becoming the known.
We've had a long climb from a very deep valley, but NOW the mountaintops are just before us. We are extremely tired, but the vision of the fulfillment of our highest dreams gives us the strength to continue our journey.
The sun is rising, the fog is clearing, the Way is opening and New Earth is beginning. Now that we have becomes adults in Spirit, we can remember that:
I AM the Earth
The Earth is I
I AM the sea
I AM the sky
I search the land
To understand:
Why am I here upon this Earth?
What was the reason for my birth?
Was it so that I could simply be
The sky, the land and the deep blue sea?
An answer calls me from my heart
That something special soon will start
All around me, things are changing
Lies revealed and re-arranging
I'll not find answers in the sea
For they are all inside of me
I took a form upon this Earth
To help dear Gaia with Her re-birth
From within, I see the Light above
That I must ground with peace and love
If I capture that which I have found
And pull it deep into the ground
I just may find the simplest way
To create a happy, brighter day
The night was long and filled with fear
Thus, I could not see, nor could I hear
The truth was, oh, so far away
To think about some other day
Now, that day has come, at last
And all I've known is in the past
The future has become the NOW
And, suddenly I remember how
To step across an unseen line
That has nor marking and no sign
To make it harder, it moves around
For it is a Path of light and sound
This holy light creates a tone
And, instantly, I'm not alone
The lies are done
Truth has begun
Within this Truth, I'm sure I'll see
That NOW, at last, my Soul is FREE
Blessings on your journey,
Suzanne Lie