Compound in Parsley Among ‘Most Potent Anti-Cancer Compounds’

Galactic Free Press's picture

Alexandra Preston, Natural Society
Waking Times

German study published in 2008 gives some direction to those wishing to prevent colon (and other) cancers – and it all revolves around utilizing potent anti-cancer compounds found in various whole foods.

For the study, 87 patients, with roughly half being colon cancer survivors and the other half being patients who had polyps removed after colonoscopy, were treated with either 20mg of apigenin (a compound found in parsley and celery) and 20mg of epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG – a compound found in green tea), or a placebo for 3-4 years.

Among the 14 patients who had survived cancer and were treated, there was no recurrence of colon cancer and only one developed a polyp, which only have a chance of becoming cancerous. In the placebo group, 3 of the 15 patients suffered from recurrences of their cancers, and 4 developed polyps.
