COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Giving Up Eating ... ~ 4.04.12 ~ by Aruna

AnaShyNa's picture


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Giving Up Eating


Are my messages getting too startling to accept? Was my call to eliminate dependency on man's digestive abilities too far from your mind's construct to agree? When my dear ones are able to give up eating they are ready to ascend. Now we are faced with controlled diets of the Monsanto kind. Are these foods more attractive than mana from heaven? Are Monsanto's growth channels going to mean the depletion of the human species? Most of the current diets in your dis-ease filled reality will include their content by the end of this year. Now, when soybeans and corn are eaten in most countries the death of good health begins.

Avoidance can no longer be maintained, because they have achieved world dominance. Only the loss of takers for what they produce can alter this situation. So, what you do regarding my alternative to their control is major. Rejecting a diet of altered components must be your intent if their dream is to be affected. Mouth-to-mouth guidance for deleting food all together is your means of countering death caused by this change to the genetic content of food.

Please consider how much you can enjoy life without eating. Many of you only live to eat. Will you be canceling all that life is about? No, but you will not be able to enjoy life the way you do now when the food you eat cannot give you any healthy ingredients. Now is the time to move on to other attitudes that are life enhancing. Are you willing to be a master of the human experience? When you can agree to deleting eating, you can be.

Cheating on this new diet will defeat your chance of becoming fully independent. When the decision has been made and agreed to, the clock begins to run. It will take three or four months to feel that no food is desirable. Once you break the addiction to chewing and consuming great quantities we can do even more to assist in the letting go process.

Face the day with only drinking water and give the body a full day with no food. Then, only consume  food that can add to your ability to choose health over dis-ease: fresh fruit and vegetables, green leafy vegetables are best. No meat, and no dairy except that which has been collected and delivered in an organic method. Kefir and yogurt that have been made naturally are ok. Other than these two exceptions, dairy, even non-homogenized, should be avoided. Nuts, seeds and other fresh foods are ok, but not roasted or treated in any other way. ONLY eat what is fresh and/or lightly cooked, nothing deep fried or sauteed in grease. A pure, unadulterated in any way, diet can do what no elimination diet can do. No foods with chemicals can be digested as easily as these, because the life force, enzymes, minerals and vitamins are still included in this food.

When you are clear of toxins, the next level of digestion can begin. This change will take at least two months for an average, clean eating person. Those consuming toxic foods will need more time on the fresh diet.

Once the fresh diet is "normal," the time to delete more will begin. I'm not going to tell you now how to proceed. Once you are able, the instructions will be given.

Eat the clean food diet along with three daily requests for MANA before you eat. We will provide.

Consume no drinks other than herbal tea or water. Five glasses a day of clean water is all that is needed after the first cleansing day.

Can this be the next step for all who are ascending? We would like to think so. Are you willing to do this? We are only telling you how because you want to be completely able to detach when ascension comes. This will prepare you. Please try.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna





food less living

Eva's picture

I appreciated your chaneling of this message, but would like to add to this - not eating is fasting and that is a method that has proven itself not to work or be followed by death of the human form.


The foods that are available on this planet at t his point are aLL touched by monsanto. If the foods are not sprayed then the soil is infested by the chemtrails -and only monsanto GMO seed carry fruit (can withstand the acid level in the soils)


There are people who already live without eating, but these are guided practices. One of this practice is the ancient practice of sun gazing which i practice. Not only does the sun nourish us but the sun also heals us.     


HRM is the gentle man who is helping us learn this practice

here are some links which I believe you will appreciate.

Imagine - that people sit under the nourishing sun in poor countries and stave to death because of the lack of this simple and free knowledge. I so wish we coulsd take a group of sun gazers and go to the counties of starving people and assist them in seeing how they do not have to starve to death


Namaste  LOVE