COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Meditation and Manifestation ~ 28.01.12 ~ by Aruna

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By Love Reporter Aruna

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Meditation and Manifestation


Meditation cancels nervous concerns. In the next weeks and months many details in my Master 
Messages are about to begin. Are you afraid? Maybe not. Are you meditating? Yes? This is probably why. Most meditators do not get concerned about anything in their awareness.  It goes into their mind as only data. Mind games do not appear in their daily life due to cellular changes made in meditation. Many of my chelas are not giving themselves this gift. Maybe an Awakened one does not need to get quiet and go within, but everyone else will greatly benefit.

Many dramas can be eliminated when more are meditating daily. Their lack of mental activity gives many additions to the light in mass consciousness. Those not deepening their awareness with going into mind deletion daily are missing out on getting their non-awareness cleared. Some meditators do not get the most out of their meditations because they have a lot of chatter they are not ignoring. Only ignoring your mental concepts deletes them. Face the day after a meditation with a new attitude of caring. Opening the heart can also be assisted during your time alone without any negative thoughts bringing to you a different opportunity.

Calling on God to give you a new consciousness or a new car is  demanding something against what you already have. When asking for "more" or"different" you are giving evidence of negativity. Saying no to what shows up is very different than demanding that circumstances be changed. Accepting things as they are instantly takes you to a new answer for all of the demands you have ever made of God. Your ability to get things you would like then comes as quickly as you think of them. Only by contributing quiet and making no demands of God will you cancel those non-aligned attitudes that are now in a dormant state.

All of your unconscious mental attitudes in cellular memory are going to be activated in the next days. Give them no thought as they arise. Allow your mental desires and dreams to be eliminated as a message to God that all is good. As you do this, your demonstration of great awareness will do a lot of good for  those in your material world who give no interest to making a decision of this kind.

As you do not get things the mind doesn't create, your desires need to be led to you in a different way.  By asking you don't get them, by admiring them you can. When you appreciate something this mental attitude attracts it to you. Give away all the other manifestation concepts you have previously used because they are no longer going to bring the things you ask for. Why? To teach you that you are an actor in a drama created by you. Freedom from the asking syndrome brings new gifts you have not conceived of.

Admire, appreciate, be grateful for, and give thanks and you will attract. Not this—not that will contract. Nothing desired comes to you after Awakening unless you appreciate that it can come to you. Freedom is an ability to say "Thank you" for what is not yet in your awareness. Thank the One and only God for all of the things needed in your life. Thank them for appearing. Give more attention to giving than asking. The act of giving demonstrates abundance and is also a form of gratitude.

Ascended Master Saint Germain


