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Why is it that the soul often goes unnoticed and unappreciated? What happens to our relationship with this part of us when we become adults? Do we ever stop to wonder why the world is in shambles? It’s difficult to come up with answers to these questions because of how easy it is to forget about the soul. Attachment to the personality ensures we are almost always focusing on what is wrong or bad. The fear this creates conceals the infinite treasure of the soul. How is one to feel the power of this treasure if the heart is occupied with fear? Resistance to the fear often takes the form of a million thoughts firing inside the head at once. Then the concealment becomes even stronger. 

 It takes on-going effort to disengage from the behavior that encourages concealment. Reminders are helpful. Periods of mental non-activity put us more in tune with our natural connection to the soul in this exact moment, right here and right now. We leave behind our thoughts, worries, feelings, ideas, plans and desires. Liberation of this sort helps to expose what is concealed underneath...
