Concepts of truth

Mario's picture

Humans your based concepts can be choiced by free-will, working in the paradoxical heart means your feelings are in accordance to your life map on an accelerated stage, what seems to some as something is created from your minds belief, if you want to work in the higher states of being all you need to do is acquire a concept based on truth for your own being. The symmetrical outflow of information poring out of our paradoxical hearts and minds will create discomfort in lower functioning egos, to rise above we will need to follow are truths and these are scaled by time by which decrees the amount of experience you have in the higher processes, if you wish to be enlightened follow your hearts purpose and curiosity, the more we learn the easier it is to explain concepts that are based in the higher cycles. If we want to ramp up the energies we must created the quantum thought forms that will enable us to see within altered states an augmentation in our capacity to remember. Our conscious fields are wide and spread out to the stars if we manage our creations with a purity based heart our intents will maximize Tenfolds, within the paradoxical mind the vortexes of energie emitted from our beings can multiply to a thousandfolds and these create a singular point in time where your creations will enable you to augment back to that singular point. Your subconscious minds are what the memory banks can help us to see where we are in our augmentations, for the past days I have been viewing 22 33 44 55 on a constant on the clocks, these shifted my awareness to new heights in time. The solar flares enable us to communicate with the ships around our sun and they are looking forward to what we can accomplish. This means our states of being can shift to something beyond and work around on a constant scale of accelerations. When we are in neutrality we have large concepts to keep up with these are no problem for many of us without a lower ego. The problem here is that some think instead of knowing by which knowing get's you to work for enlightment and higher consciousness, it goes by itself. All creations from these realms are acquired in a neutral state and every time we chek back, to not hit a fall we must remember where the points all connected and enable us to be here. These are concepts from the stars and our abilities have been quarantine by our own minds. To shift to higher senses we must trust what we create within. The more we connect our purpose mission, our roles at this time the more we will rise. Comet ISON is a good finishing point to where these can bring us, to experience something never experienced beforehand is to work within these energies. We partake in many forms of consciousness and to accelerate the changes around the world these informations augments our realitys to see beyond the void. Are energy uptake is growing constantly on an ever expanding scale, Gaia Portal has essences to that which we can base our truths on, and if we play our cards right by which I mean keep our body's roads to mastery the more we can see what should of been all along, and these are our true conscious selves at play here and if you think about what to do next, it may just be your starting point.

Namaste, Have a Good day

Love and Light from Mario



Based Concepts

Mario's picture

(1) Manifesting clarity within pure intent of heart,

(2) Creating new emergences of energies by a quantum vacumed space within your paradoxical mind

(3) Advancing in singular points within time the adverse effects of multiplying new codes within the ultaihymæxtreme

(4) Creating single code digits within your perceptual field

(5) Augmenting your known realitys from a carbon base life form living to intraspecular keys within time scales, levels of duality and neutrality

(6) Concepts based on truths will have you wrighting from the paradoxical heart contents and augmenting your reality based keys from a new perspective will shift the known realitys your working on and submit your free will

(7) Be careful what you choose to wright and accept to place within the machine, imprinted within the internet your concepts will superseed the energies emitted from the singular points in time you work up

(8) Never loose your mind for power or fear keep in a constant neutrality

(9) 1 to 3 is relevant to all your lives being in the now augments your frequencies to new heights in time

(10) 7 to 8 is relevent to 12 which is 10

(11) Never give up cause once you do, the time scales will acquire new points without your consent. By which our creation's when based from the higher ups have key inputs to singular based content. When we read the info, parts of it may be scattered trough the timelines already and advancing in a quick matter. These can cause disturbance within your teachings or channeling if the ego is within the lower scales once again. The altered states can be tricky, discerning is what keeps you on a constant from the lower cycles, these augment the known realitys.

(12) 13 is breaking your minds barriers which is related to 3