Conflicts End, Greater Good Begins, Twenty Twelve!
Here we are. 2012. The moment we’ve all been waiting for (I know, so many of us have.) We’re still alive. We’re darn lucky for that, aren’t we?
2012 is about people coming together for the greater good (of all life). 2011 has been a time of great emotional purging and healing. We have released many sorrows and healed many wounds. 2012 is the time of a recommencement; a time where our spirit selves re-awaken. This is the time of the ‘Return of Benevolence’.
Truly, we can be optimistic. The intense ending of 2011 ensured the genuine meaning of what we are here for – love! We must love one another. We have learnt that. Now, we can begin living within that framework of love. We can begin creating new philosophies out of moral goodness, which will later serve to propel society forward into a dawning new era of consciousness.
People who have trouble with Positivity will be given special attention as 2012 opens up. All wounds will have to be healed, as positivity has swept our planet. Benevolent actions will start becoming common.
2012 is about taking back control, totally. We have as a race, come to understand power somewhat in 2011. That is just the beginning. Energy has been set in motion which will create big, big changes in 2012. For the better. This benevolent wave has certainly sifted through old blocks / emotional wounds, and healed us. Even though it seems like the governments want total tyranny, this is just the natural response to this energy. We are coming into an era where people must be individuals. We must have our own mental definitions of the world and it must make absolute sense to us. Hardcore religious beliefs wont serve us any more. I expect 2012 to be a time of fundamental changes, especially of the spiritual type. People all over the world will have very dramatic, powerful spiritual awakenings. This is the time of the call of Great Spirit. This roaring, powerful energy surges our planet today. A super spiritual power is ours to harness, and is a power for the greatest good of our species.
We are all learning. All people. 2012 is a time for betterment. This is a time where things truly get better. Allow yourself to be enveloped by optimism, the abundance will sustain all of us. We are all sustained by the abundance of the universe. Truly, we are all one.
Be Benevolent. That is in concordance with the universe. This is about the highest good. Of all concerned. We are growing and evolving right now. 2012 will end on a serious note. We will at that time have developed a mature optimism about our place in the universe.
Many people will find in 2012 a great need to help others. I expect to see large numbers rising up who wish to help all of humanity. 2013 will be the total unification of masses. We are all in this together. As one. For everyone.
The Ether is alive within us all. There will be no denying that now. We all have spiritual power / ability. We will be able to see and demonstrate that now. It’s earth’s vibration, cosmically speaking. We are in a super-intense photon energy bath. We must use our powers now for the good. We are learning that this year.
This spiritual power, this is what we call “God.” This God is In us. This god is our spiritual power. We all have it. We all use it. Humans will collectively begin using it now, for each-other.
In the White Light of the Divine
Gregory Matthew von Haesler