Connecting with Your Child (or Anyone Else For That Matter)

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Connecting with Your Child (or Anyone Else For That Matter)

By Astra Niedra

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Connecting with your children and with other people is something we all do but is also something few of us understand. We all know when we have a connection with someone and when we don’t, and we are aware that sometimes our connection with the same person varies over time, which can be a frustrating aspect of relationships. We even use language to describe these connections such as ‘She was so cold today’, ‘It was as if he just wasn’t there’, ‘I was talking to her but she was off somewhere else’, ‘There was a great vibe between us’, ‘The energy was flat at the party’, ‘I feel smothered by her’, ‘He is so distant and cool’, and so on...
