Connecting with Your Tribe: 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’

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Connecting with Your Tribe - 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’ insert

By Michele Peppler

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

n this era of new earth consciousness, people are ‘waking up’ at an exponential rate. If you’re one of these newly awakened souls, well, chances are you’ve outgrown your life.

Suddenly jobs, living situations, romantic relationships and even entire friendship circles seem foreign, so it’s an understatement to say you probably feel a little isolated. Especially when, as you are deep in the abyss of the big questions like ‘Why am I here?’, ‘Where did we actually come from?’, ‘What is my higher calling?’ and hey while we’re down the rabbit hole, ‘Just who the hell AM I anyway!?’, people around you are discussing who won X-Factor, which royal married what celebrity, or how much they hate their boss!

Rest assured, if you’re embarking on a spiritual journey, you are right where you are supposed to be, and finding your tribe is as fundamental a piece of the awakening journey puzzle as finding your calling
