Connections by Suzi

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Written by Suzanne

lunapic_13618498009849_It’s been occurring to me that what we consider as our own individual unfolding may be more collective in nature than we might think.

Yesterday in my kitchen, I had just finished washing a cutting board. I glanced at it sitting in the drying rack and noticed the slice marks in it that could potentially harbor nasty things that are best not ingested.

Then a surprising thing happened. Without thinking much about it, I moved my hands up to beam a purifying energy through them at the board! Then I moved one hand to either side and aligned them, and continued on with the intention of rendering any remaining elements harmless.

Of course my mind kicked in and I told myself how weird it was for me to be doing this. But then again, I thought, this may be a little nudge towards a full realization of exactly what is available to us. If we can imagine that we have such power, would that not be a great and wonderful practice towards embracing and working with it?

Surely we must be in a phase of orientation and training for the roles we came to play in this glorious event. I imagine that a great deal of this transformation will be about remembering. What we’ve forgotten in order to get the most from this human Earth experience would fill vast libraries.

All over the planet, we’re waking up to more than just the ways in which we’ve been misled and controlled. We’re starting to realize, little by little, that we can actually do amazing things. I think this is showing up in myriad ways in accordance with the frequency of each individual.

For my part, it’s becoming a little difficult to even tell what’s new information and what isn’t. Perhaps my DNA was coded with these things long ago. Now that the field of humanity is fertile for it, like a time-released medicine capsule the information is being activated.

Why not? If I can believe that joining all of us together with the Earth in one huge golden ball of light is do-able, why would I not be able as well to change a microscopic organism’s ability to affect my life? Maybe the most powerful way I have of protecting myself from harm is by becoming one with whatever it is that I perceive as dangerous.

I understand myself to be a conduit for energy. The encounter with the cutting board, perhaps, was a gift to help me to start to engage in relationship with molecular manipulation.

We move energy all the time without even thinking about it. What if we start to consider that as fact and become more conscious of what we’re doing? We can bring universal Divine energy through us for the benefit of anything imaginable. The Light doesn’t refuse. And it isn’t up to us what’s done with the Light that we send anywhere.

I don’t really need details about this process. In my heart I know that in my present form, I can’t really grasp how this all works anyway. It’s much easier to just be a willing conduit for Divine energy.

That energy, and maybe all energy, needs to flow. For me, it’s vital to have a creative outlet in order for that to happen. I recently got my little kiln to make whale tails and since then I’ve been grooving in a fun process of creation and discovery. The challenge of building a website is now behind me and I’m finally ready to share my artwork with the world.

Click here to check out the Whale Tails.

Love and Light… Suzanne


