Connections by Suzi Attachments

Lia's picture

As I was driving home last night, a thought popped into my head that I was in process of releasing attachment to 3D living. The lack of interest in things like house cleaning might not be such a great indicator, but I’ve always loved to drive.


Last night however, and more often as I’m out driving my car it occurs to me how limiting it is. My imagination takes off and I go around corners with a bank on the curve that isn’t actually there. It’s like gravity no longer has a hold on me and I’m flying a hovercraft or something.


I started to realize that it could be our attachment to even the little things that we’re used to that keeps us tethered to this reality. For example, eating can be a very pleasurable experience, but I just haven’t been that interested in that either lately. Perhaps what’s underlying that disinterest is simply a releasing of 3D life as we know it.


I do what I need to in order to maintain a state of non-chaos in my surroundings, but little by little I’m letting go of attachment to things that my heart knows won’t be a part of higher-dimensional living. We may not be fully aware of it, but I think we’re all preparing ourselves for what our higher selves have always known was coming.


A reader writes in that she had just come across the 2012 Scenario 2 days ago through a series of coincidences which she she felt was directed by her guides. She felt compelled to read everything and started to feel almost overwhelmed at the great responsibility we have as a collective on this planet.


Overall, however, this reader felt relieved to hear about what’s happening. Her major concern, as with many of us, is about how to relay this information to the ones she loves in order to to prepare them. She also felt that God would give all of us the right opportunities to do so.


When I go out I sometimes randomly select a cashier or someone to pose the question, “Have you ever thought about extraterrestrial life?” Depending on the response and the energy read I get from that person, I may add information on why I’m asking such a question. Ultimately it goes something like me letting them know that when things start happening and people begin talking about it, to know that they are here in love and to help, that everything’s going to be alright and there’s nothing to be afraid of or worry about.


Everyone in my family of origin knows I talk about these things, and they have varying degrees of politeness when I do. I’ve finally reached a point in my life where how others see me no longer dictates how I choose to be in this world. It just really doesn’t matter.


For the most part, I plant seeds and then release any attachment to what happens from there. Every one of us has our own process, and none of us can know what another needs to experience, so all choices must be honored.  I think that from here this will be a great adventure and things will move quickly.

Love and Light…

