~ Contacting Your Angels~Archangel Gabriel~

Meaning ~ “Strength of God”; “The Divine is my strength”; “God is my strength”
… Gabriel is known as the “messenger” Angel and is one of the four Archangels named in Hebrew tradition and is considered one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic religious lore. Apart from Michael, Gabriel is the only Angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament. GAbriel is a powerful and strong Archangel, and those who call upon Him will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results.
Gabriel can bring messages to you just as he did to Elizabeth and Mary of the impending births of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. If you are considering starting a family, Gabriel helps hopeful parents with conception or through the process of adopting a child.
Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision is therefore blocked. If you wish to receive visions of Angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in. If you wish to receive prophecies of the changes ahead. If you need help in interpreting your dreams and vision.
Gabriel helps anyone whose life purpose involves the arts or communication. Acts as a coach, inspiring and motivating artists, journalist and communicators and helping them to overcome fear and procrastination.
Gabriel also helps us to find our true calling. Ask for Gabriel’s guidance if you have strayed from your soul’s pathway, if you wish to understand your life plan and purpose. Gabriel can also help if you can find no reason for being or if changes are ahead and you need guidance. If you are contemplating a house move, major purchase or thinking of changing careers.
Call Gabriel if your body is full of toxins and needs purifying and if your thoughts are impure or negative and need clearing and cleansing. Gabriel is also very helpful for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted and feel dirty as well as being under psychic attack or if you feel that you have absorbed someone else’s Problems
Love Natalie