Corporations Are Not People! Sign Petition To Overturn "Citizens United"!

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The Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling gave special interests the thumbs up to donate unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns. We need to overturn this ruling and take back our democracy.

Please sign the petition today!
Tell Congress to Overturn
Citizen's United vs. FEC

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Dear Carolin, 

Sixteen US states have already approved resolutions calling on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment reversing the damage done by the Citizens United decision, which allowed unlimited monetary donations to political candidates. Take a stand against political corruption and tell Congress to reverse the Citizens United ruling. 

In the world of politics, money means everything. Political outcomes are more and more decided by the a handful of influential special interests. Push Congress to stand up to these special interests and make citizens the center of democracy once again. 

It doesn't have to be this way. By calling for limits on political campaign contributions, we can stop special interests from abusing their wealth to gain political favors.

Tell your elected representatives to support a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United ruling. 


Thank you for taking action,

Roseanne C.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team c
