Cosmic Awareness -- The Attitude of Gratitude by Will Berlinghof's picture


The Attitude of Gratitude
That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available, please proceed.
Thank you. Welcome Awareness, thank you for being with us today for the Rainbow-Phoenix membership session of August 7, 2014.  Will Berlinghof is the interpreter for your messages, Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Love, the Law of Light and the Law of Unity have been invoked. 
Is there an opening message or any event you would like to discuss at this time please?  Thank you.
That which is Cosmic Awareness does indeed have an opening message. That this Awareness has spoken of the attitude of gratitude several times in the past. It would like again to speak on this. That this Awareness states that an attitude of gratitude, although perhaps understood in a minor way, a faddish way, for it is indeed a fad at this time to use this phrase attitude of gratitude by many of the light workers.
That this Awareness would speak to this at a deeper level. That It has spoken many times of that which is the energy of creativity, that each and every one is a creative being, and yet many still have great problems in understanding this or putting it into play, into action.
It is for many an intellectual concept that they are Creator beings and yet, when in their own lives there is failure to manifest one's creative desires, often there is great disappointment, often there is a willingness to blame another, even this Awareness for a failure, for each individual to manifest their own unique and individual reality.
Of course this is indicative of the fact that while it may be intellectually understood, it is not perceived or understood at a more basic and fundamental level, at a level of the heart and soul. What this means yet again, is that many are still looking outside of themselves to see the results of their intention, and as it has been most popular to quote the Law of Attraction, that if one puts out something they will attract it to them. This is not a concept that is well understood or well employed. Often it is thought that simply because one wishes this to be so, it will be so without a full understanding of why it is important to seek out at the deeper inner levels, the unconscious and subconscious levels, those thoughts, those beliefs, those attitudes that would negate the Law of Attraction, that would prevent the manifestation of that which one thinks they want.
Herein lies the dilemma and many become discouraged because they have put out they want something and yet nothing is happening.  Many of the light workers who are in the dense energies of this third dimensional reality you find yourself in, wish to leave this density, this oppressive reality that they find themselves in and thus they put out that they would wish big changes to occur – life altering changes on the planet, the destruction even of the old systems as Mother Earth shakes off the vermin on the surface, and transmutes herself, transforms herself.
Many wish to escape their earthly experiences because it is too much, because there are no positive results seemingly occurring for them. This of course is a dilemma, for it is not often appreciated or understood that each and every individual who has placed themselves upon the planet at this time, this unique and powerful time, has done so with purpose and intent. 
There are no accidents, no one on the planet is here by accident, for it is of course a very complex procedure for Spirit to condense Itself into that focus of personality that is having a life experience.