Cosmic Weather ~ Full Moon Report, 12.28.12: New Identities and Rear View Mirrors

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a message from Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer

Wednesday, 26 December, 2012  (posted 28 December, 2012)


Hello friends. Well here we have it, the last Full Moon of 2012 and it promises to be a powerful one! Looking into the aspects and energies of this moon, it feels quite appropriate for what has been the life-changing journey of 2012. The last moon phase of the year is the Big Winter Moon in December, also called Long Night’s Moon, or the Cold Moon.

The Full Moon falls at 7 degrees of Cancer on 12.28 at 2:21 am PST/5:21 am EST. As in all Full Moons however, the energies will be in orb or effect up to three days prior, so we are already feeling it. Cancer Full Moons always carry with them a certain vulnerability and this one is no different, in combination with the Capricorn Sun (also a Cardinal sign,) it is a potent mix which invites us to realize our highest truth and drop all that is no longer serving. Areas where we have perhaps been repressing or “keeping a “stuff upper lip” as the old saying goes, may be much closer in than usual. As per usual with a Capricorn-Cancer polarity, issues of self vs. other may be at the fore. Also, keep in mind that this moon makes contact with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square, which is all about personal r/evolution. It isn’t necessarily a comfortable energy at times, but there is little doubt to its potency and metamorphic potential. Cancer energy also invites us to open our hearts to greater love for ourselves and others, and brings with it the characteristics of home, family and the Divine Feminine, in all of her forms.

Today I feel the need to look back and observe the path that has led me to where I am. – Ricky Martin

I think this Pearl Jam song written by Capricorn Eddie Vedder says it very well. This doesn’t necessarily have to be about a particular person, but it can be our own negative habits of mind that we have settled into that can limit and create obstacles for ourselves. We have a potent opportunity in this moment in time to drop these limitations and put them in our rear view for good, where they belong. If they *are* connected to people in our past, we have a powerful opportunity to offer them and ourselves forgiveness and release under the knowledge that we are all on our own paths of awakening and knowledge. What served us well in the past we may have clearly outgrown, and that is okay.

Once and for all, I’m far away. Finally the shades are raised. I saw things so much clearer, once you were in my rear view mirror. – Eddie Vedder

Rear View Mirror – Pearl Jam

In the instances of people that may hold anger or un-forgiveness towards us, it is important to remember that the withholding of love is always a call for more love and greater forgiveness. There is an aphorism in Buddhist teachings that states, “Drive all blames into One.” This can be interpreted to mean that *all* beings while under the limitation and potential suffering of what is called “ordinary” or egoic mind, are prone to misjudge and misinterpret situations and the intentions of others at times. We have certainly been there ourselves. This knowledge allows us to offer unconditional love more easily, even if we choose to no longer have certain individuals in our life.

Traditionally some astrologers and Sabian Symbol experts would interpret this Full Moon under the Sabian Symbols 7-8 Capricorn/Cancer; but since this moon is just 6 minutes into 7 degrees of Cancer, and I also feel much more strongly connected to the Symbols for 6-7 degrees Capricorn: A Veiled Prophet Speaks, Seized By The Power Of A God and 6-7 degrees Cancer: Two Nature Spirits Dancing Under the Moonlight. – Mark Edmund Jones/Elsie Wheeler

I feel the energies are quite potent now to release yet another inner veil to connect with our own “Prophet,” the Higher Self, or to have knowledge and conversation of one’s own Holy Guardian Angel. The Nature Spirits may also be interpreted as fairies or the Fae. I would not be at all surprised to find an increase in orb pictures, sightings or other means of spirit contact at this time. These particular symbols and incoming energies give this particular Full Moon a special kind of magic; as the chilly and dark December night is lit up by a sparkly, fairy-visited bright moon.

Recommended activities for this Full Moon are: forgiveness/release work, ritual, visiting the ocean, meditation, family gatherings, cooking, and any other activities nurturing to the Spirit.

Cancer Full Moon Mantras: I am safe to Love and be Loved. I release my past, giving thanks for the wisdom I have gained. I trust and listen to my own inner wisdom. I see others as awakening beings just as myself; I hold enmity towards no one and offer unconditional love to all.

This Full Moon seems very appropriate and perfect as the last one of the year and the first one after the Gateway/Threshold of 12:21. We are forming and creating new identities both personally and collectively; and this moon will shine a light not only where healing is indicated, but also the deep truth that at our core we are divine beings of light and love. It also invites us to step out of our past hurts and limitations, and obtain a more expansive view of ourselves and others.

Focus in this moment. Focus here. Focus on your own internal truth. Stop your patterns of expectation and disappointment. Accept all that is just as it is, including yourself. And be patient with yourself as you unlearn old ways and take on new approaches. Be patient and loving and accepting, letting life unfold in its own pace. Right now, you are as you are and it is good. In the next moment, you will be a little different and that will be good too. Let it all flow gently and lovingly in this way. Allow yourself the time and grace to become. – Quado/2003

May all beings be well and safe, may they be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be, whether moving or standing still, without exception, whether large, great, middling, or small, whether tiny or substantial, Whether seen or unseen, whether living near or far, born or unborn; may all beings be happy. Let none deceive or despise another anywhere. Let none wish harm to another, in anger or in hate. Just as a mother would guard her child, her only child, with her own life, even so let me cultivate a boundless mind for all beings in the world. Let me cultivate a boundless love for all beings in the world, above, below, and across, unhindered, without ill will or enmity. Standing, walking, seated, or lying down, free from torpor, let me as far as possible fix my attention on this recollection. This, they say, is the divine life right here. – Buddhist Metta Prayer

Happy Full Moon.

Love & blessings all.

© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2012. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.
