Council of Angels, Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael: Angels and Cloudships and Rainbows and Orbs Oh My!

Lia's picture


March 24, 2013 by The Golden Light Channel moon-over-water Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.


3-24-13 I had the most amazing transcendental experience today as I took a walk on the beach for the first time since last fall, as the temperatures were finally above freezing today with lots of sunshine. I have been walking on this beach since I was a wee child, first able to walk, so it is a place that has very special meaning and significance to me. The first thing that was different today was the parking lot and main beach was full of huge mounds of sand, probably from the blizzard we had last winter. As I walked down to my usual spot near the jetty, and the sun was rapidly setting I saw my first cloudship!!!




Then I noticed to the left and right of the setting sun were rainbows tucked behind the clouds…….as I walked back to my car, and looked behind me the entire sky was filled with white wispy clouds that looked as they were huge angel wings on either side of the sun…..they filled the sky…….the cloudship was right near the sun………turning back towards my car, the moon shone bright……and then, even more amazing to me was as I got back to my Jeep, a quarter with my birth year was laying on the ground near my door. I picked up the quarter, knowing it was some kind of sign, and saw that it had my birth year on it.! “Not a coincidence”, I thought to myself……….”IN GOD WE TRUST”, indeed.

Interesting, because lately I have been focused on the worldwide financial situation regarding Cyprus and world banking, and yesterday withdrew all of my money out of the bank. Was the quarter some kind of message? Finally, when I got back home and looked at the photos I had taken, there appeared bright green orbs in each of the photos. Interesting!! As I left the beach, the feeling of having a transcendental experience overtook me….an uplifting, elating, experience had just occurred. an interesting thing to note is the area where I saw all the activity of the cloudships, orbs, angel clouds, and rainbows, was just beyond the area that I have been told by my Council of Angels is a 5th dimensional portal for me. I believe it!! :)


birth-year-quarter-found-3-24-13-2 angel-wing-clouds-1

I asked my Council of Angels for any message they wanted to relay pertaining to my experience today. This is what they had to say. Good evening we are The Council of Angels, Archangel Michael Gabriel and Raphael. We are also joined by The Pleiadian Council tonight. The cloudship that the channel saw was a Pleiadian cloudship, and we wanted to bring awareness to this. We are excited that the channel has noticed our world today.

We wanted to show her that we are enveloping her and the planet, as well as all beings on the planet, with our beautiful wings of love, light, ethereality, transcendence, beauty, majesty, and grace. The rainbow is a symbol of God’s Grace and majesty, and abundance is brought forward by trusting in God, or Source. We wanted to show the channel that we love and care for her as we do all beings, and that is why we placed a special message of abundance (the quarter with her birth year and “in god we trust”) as a gift for her on her journey today.

The intersecting of our worlds has begun in earnest now, with the angelic realm, beings from other star systems and galaxies, and Ascended Masters joining in unison to assist in the co-creation of your new earth, your new home, for your existence in the higher dimensional realms into which you are all entering. All beings are invited to join this realm, and those who are able to increase their consciousness, spiritual awareness, and frequencies are become increasingly aware of this. This new earth and new world already exists and is outside of time, it is simply that you and we together are breathing it into existence simultaneously at the same time that it already exists.

A difficult concept to understand from the 3-D point of view, but true nevertheless. We are hoping that messages of upliftment and awareness such as this message and others on your internet will begin to seep into mainstream society to bring all beings into awareness of what is occurring with your planet and with the intersecting of these realms now of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions….all in the universe are being upgraded to another level; this is a universal occurrence happening everywhere, not just on your planet earth, although your planet earth contains the human race, an experimental race, which is now ascending into a higher dimension in their bodies, another experiment which is occurring for the very first time ever in the history of ever, and this experiment is being manifested beautifully in your realm.

We wish to impress upon you the love which we in the higher realms have for you and all of humanity, all of creation, all of your earthern creatures, your mother earth, your inner earth beings, and of course outer earth beings. All is progressing beautifully and we of the higher creations wish to infuse your hearts with an infusion of divine, pure love and light which will assist you in knowing that you are loved, you are here for a reason, you are transcending the former 3rd dimensional earth, and we are here watching and assisting you and ever near to bless, love, assist, and welcome you into these higher dimensional realms of beauty, love, light, abundance, peace, joy, and all the higher qualities … this realm into which you are all entering is free of the lower qualities of a duality existence, free of the lower energies which will fade away as you all enter into this higher dimensional reality.

Focus on this message and this realm now; do not focus on any of the negativity which appears to be never-ending in the old world, as focusing on it only increases it. Focus on this new life and world into which you are all entering and into which we welcome you with open arms, with an abundance of love, and a homecoming to the higher realms where you have all been before you descended into the 3-D paradigm. This place is familiar to you, this higher dimensional realm; and your lives are transforming inch by inch, minute by minute, although time is now bending and twisting and starting and stopping.

You may find yourself reviewing your life, bouncing back and forth between different times in your life, almost a mental time travel of sorts….as you ascend into the higher dimensions, time ceases to have less meaning and importance and indeed ceases to exist. Time is a 3-D earth concept from which you are all now being released. As you continue to trust that this ascension experience is real, that you are indeed moving into a new earth and higher dimensions, you will begin to trust more in Source and in higher dimensional beings such as angels, ascended masters, and those from your star families. The abundance that is available to all of you in this new world is an extension of trusting in Source, or “God”, hence the message to the channel today of “in God we trust.”, or “in Source and in the higher realms we trust”.

We have a message now from the Pleiadians.

We are all emanations from the Source …. we, the Pleiadian Council, you as beings on earth, the angels, the ascended masters, and all living beings throughout the universe and omniverse……….now is a time of the “lifting of the veil” which is like taking off blinders so that you can see beyond your former 3rd dimensional world which is slowly receding into the distance, or vanishing in a sense; the old holographic reality has no more source energy to hold it up, that is why all is collapsing in the old world; that is why your banking system is collapsing, the old earth is collapsing, hence “sinkholes”, and the entire paradigm is like a holographic “tent” that was pumped full of air, and all the air is being let out, so that it simply collapses and vanishes into nothingness.

Your new world which is already in existence is a most beautiful world, with clean water, clean skies, clean earth, abundance and joy, love and light, all things that are pure and good, and you are all increasing your frequencies to match this new world so that you are stepping through the now ever-so-thin veil of illusion that exists between the two worlds, or that is beginning to vanish now so that the two worlds are intersecting as the old paradigm collapses and vanishes. We can see it from where we are and it is a most interesting and fascinating phenomenon to “watch”…yes we are watching it all and it is the most beautiful occurrence to ever grace your planet for many eons. Allow this all to happen, be ever aware and grateful, and know that you are on the golden path homeward towards light, love, harmony, peace, brotherhood, sisterhood, and all good things. Your new earth planet is without borders, wars, or any type of lower frequency vibrations.

It exists in the NOW, you are all just “catching up” in frequency to merge into this world. It is a difficult phenomenon to describe from your perspective, but we are showing a visual to the channel now that she is trying to convey in words. Please tune in for a moment to this vision. (pause) We are sending an energetic frequency of harmonization now encoded in this message so that you may absorb this and it will assist you in your process of integration with these higher frequencies. May we suggest that each of you tune in each night with your higher selves, your higher dimensional reality, and simply have a quiet session of absorbing these higher dimensional frequencies and as you close your eyes just see where it takes you; we believe you will find that with your spiritual vision you can see yourself in this new world now!

We and other higher frequency beings, as your star families, welcome you most graciously to this higher dimensional world! You are our brethren as most of you come from other star systems originally before your earthen experiences, and so you see the higher dimensions are familiar to you, more familiar than you realize! In fact we could say that the 3rd dimensional reality was probably more foreign to you than any of the higher realms. So in a sense, as you transcend your current realities and enter into the higher dimensional frequencies, you are returning home in a sense and we of your original star systems welcome you with much joy and love as you embrace your Higher Selves, Multidimensional Selves, and honor all emanations from source as One Being. Welcome home, beloveds!

We of the Pleiadian realm, angelic realm, and higher dimensional realms honor you as you reach your highest points of enlightenment, upliftment, and joy on your ever-onward journey home. With the softest of love and light to you All.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

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Your music

Grenville's picture

Thank you for posting the link to your music. Love and hugs to your journey.