Council Up-Date May 9,2012 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

maiapollan's picture

Gracious day star-light’s… We embark on yet another week of the council meeting up-date, with the collective message of…

… Simply by participating in these council meetings, we are being action, love in action… When we are together, we both see and feel things taking place as an active participant within oneness energy. As long as we are being Love, we are in presence.  When we are in presence, then we are part of all unfolding.  We are shining our freedom together, as one.  We are within gratitude to all who join us, as we all begin to walk our talk as a “symbol” of Unity Consciousness, here, now… together.


We are the Lighthouse...

What we are accomplishing as a family is focused light.  We are currently in the final preparation of the ship to de-cloak.  The more people in sharing with us, the higher the light radiating into/from the planet, as the ship(s) are coming from mother earth herself. One cannot physically enter our ships, as our ships are organic portals, therefore, One must enter via our ships consciousness. In an essence, we are the ship(s), the vessel of light to shine; the transporter is “you” and your consciousness. 

Everyone on this planet has signed a contract with Love to be here during this timeline to awaken.  We encourage you before you sleep at night to ask the “self” to see the contract you have agreed upon in choosing to come here.  This will act as a fruit-full catalyst into opening a door within the self to take position of the role you have already chosen as a beacon of light through these transitions.

We are not here to determine every avenue unfolding to you because we are “seeing” what is and will unfold together on the surface of this planet during this global transition.  We do feel all is unfolding via codes/hidden messages.  We are able to transcribe and see beyond the 3D comprehension of events and you too can participate within this sight simply by removing the 3D way of understanding an event.  If you continue to look at each event or situation occurring on the planet or in your lives from 3D –setting, you are not going to see what is happening and are going to continue to be consumed with questions, as oppose to applying “trust” and “love”. As an example, when Obama signed the treaty with Afghanistan, he was in fact, signing freedom over to humanity. Now we are currently in a process … the next process…

Ascension… the globe/Earth = Heart is ascending.  The choice before “you” is to choose to ascend via a physical death or transmute within these energies and remain as a physical being of embodied light.  Ascension is the death of the ego, the program itself and becoming one with Source Energy. 

We have witnessed many variations to protecting this program and we remind you, when one feels the need to protect, to hide, to doubt or fall to theatrics etc… kid yourself not, it is the program enjoying its final hours with you.  Be self-aware of both “you” and “your” active place within this world.  Stop being afraid of “you”….
ALL is forgiven, therefore any and all worries or concerns felt “are” held in one’s own choice.  Forgive yourself and remember Love… relinquish the program, unplug and ascend.  

Healing… We will bring technology to heal and re-educate humanity, when “all” are at an awakened state of consciousness.  We have a deep compassion and love for humanity and we forgive humanity for poising the water, the food, the dis-respect to other creatures/living organisms who share this planet with you and filling the mind up with un-serving fantasies and illusions… We are here to assist to balance the spirit into a harmonic state.  Together we are sharing the most incredible ride, so let’s IN-joy it together. 

We would to like to remind you, nobody needs to wait to be healed and be fully present within “all that is”, within the empowerment “you” already have within you awaiting to be ignited.  Jump on the ascension train as the ascended, now!  It only need come from your own choosing. 

One can sit, wait and anticipate this arrival of a date scheduled on the earthly calendar or one can step up to the plate and become a pillar of light in the present of now.  It has always been “you” that your waiting for… Within me, Within you, Within us, We are… Brilliant vessels of Light... Maia xo



Beautiful Maia and your

Boo Walker's picture

Beautiful Maia and your beautiful writing- you gave me chills :)

Thank you for all your hard work and effortless joy!!

The journey of relaxation is

maiapollan's picture

The journey of relaxation is our Joy ... holding gratitude for the soothing-calm you create in a word Boo complimented with excitement ... it is sweetly to be graced by your presence love... and thank you for you ... with bubbles of love , Maia xo