Channeled Ascension Message from
the High Council of Orion
JANUARY14th, 2014
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Audio file is available at
“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
You are the Light of the World. We have shared this thought and this message many times before, yet today we’re going to dive into it a little bit more deeply. It feels that many of you need some support in connecting with what that means. It's easy to think of it as a cute catchphrase or something that sounds good, yet if you don't connect with what it really means, then you will hold it outside of yourself and not begin to embody it. Today we will give you some more information about how you truly are the Light of the World, allowing you to connect at a deeper level with that Truth and live into that Truth as well.
At your core and at your essence is your Soul. Your Soul being that individuated experience of All That Is. Your Soul is comprised of the Light of the Universe, the Light of the Essence, the Light of the Akasha, the primordial substance within creation. The place that we see you is the place of your Soul, of the reality of your existence that transcends the human experience at this time, which is the Light of the Universe. At your core, each and every one of you, every living being on the planet has that same core energy. All the things that you would call non-living would have the same core energy as well. Removing yourself and removing your consciousness every now and then from what appears to be the reality of the human sheath the Light of your Soul has put you in, allows you to connect more deeply, more tangibly, bringing forth the reality of you being the light of your soul.
We would encourage each and every one of you every day in your quiet time, whether you call that contemplation, meditation, reflection, time spent connecting with nature, alone time, whatever you call it, but spend those moments going within, centering your attention at the place that you find your center, whether it's in the center of your belly, in your solar plexus, whether it's in your heart, wherever you connect with your center, we invite you to just allow for the presence of light being there. Allow for the presence of the Truth of your being as a Light Being to be there. Just allow that experience to flow into your conscious awareness. As you connect with your core, as you connect with your center, as you connect with the Truth of your Soul-level Light Being-ness, we ask you to just consider what would life be like, what would your experience of this realm where you find yourself be if you could really live and connect into your experience of your Self as the Light Being.
From that centered place we invite you to visualize the Light of who you are to grow and expand, move through your physicality and infuse your physicality so the Light becomes a greater experience than your physical body just for those moments while you're having your quiet time, your contemplation time, your meditation time. Just see how that feels. Feel the expansiveness. Feel the peace, the joy and even the relaxation that you can experience as you connect with your Self at your essence, which is Light, which is the Light of the Universe, which is the Light of Source, the Light of All That Is, the God Light, however you choose to think about it.
Once you’ve spent some time connecting with yourself as a Light Being take yourself out into the further reaches and through your mind's eye be able to connect with those around you, the other humans, the animals, the plants and see them as Light Beings also. See how this changes your perception of the world around you for the moments that you’re quiet. If you practice this regularly see how it impacts your point of view, your sense of peace and joy, centeredness, calmness, as you move throughout your day. We invite you to begin to infuse all aspects of your life with the knowledge and understanding and the compassion that everyone and everything around you is the Light of the World as well. At your core and at your center there is sameness. There is Oneness. We invite you to just play with this for a few days, see what shifts around you and share with us how you're feeling. You are the Light of the World. Allow yourself to be reminded of that as often as you can.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2014 Copyright Soul Genesis
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood