Julianne Henderson, Contributor
Waking Times
You have to be able to stand with strength and fearlessness, no matter where you are, and no matter what your circumstances. If you cannot stand alone with unshakeable courage, no matter where you find yourself, it is because your inner shadow is taunting you, begging you to heal it, forgive it, love it, and transmute it with your inner light. Progress is only made by embracing the dark, not by ignoring it. We can only evolve as we conquer with our light. To conquer does not mean to disregard or eliminate, but to vanquish that within us which deters our natural progression towards virtue, integrity, wholeness, and inner peace.
For every external construct or force field of control that human beings encounter or confront, there is a pulse of one’s refined inner light that can be roused to unravel, disarm, or diffuse the obstruction...