Cradle to Cradle Design – How a Biochemist and an Architect Are Changing the World

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Cradle to Cradle Design How a Biochemist and an Architect Are Changing the World 3 1024x670 Cradle to Cradle Design   How a Biochemist and an Architect Are Changing the World

By Katrin Geist

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Ever heard of the Cradle to Cradle principle? Or of “everything is food”?

Imagine littering as something beneficial, where what you throw out actually fertilizes soil or breaks down completely. Where throwing away things helps instead of damages. Where everything is truly recycled, or better, upcycled and reused. Where buildings double as water cleaning habitats that create their own power to run.

Impossible? Not! Two men joined to achieve just that, inspiring companies, corporations and governments to give their brilliant ideas a try.
