Creating a Harmonious Reality for Everyone; (Everyone Included)
Instead of hurling the latest (and often, most frightening) conspiracy at you or proposing the idea of some super-nefarious anything, I find it more productive and progressive to emphasize the positive, and endorse unconditional love.
Instead of listening to any news, I make news. I create my own reality, a harmonious one. I am advocating unconditional love, mindfulness, and forgiveness. Remember, I know just as much about the “dark side” as anyone else. The truth is, I’m aware of it, and i’m here to heal it. We have to move beyond what ills/ails us. We must make things better. We are, always will be, and always have been in control. Our thoughts make what this is. Think positive, think good thoughts – and expect good things. Just do it. Even if it’s hard, do it. We make the world what it is. Think positive. Think benevolent. Heck, reinforce the belief of “benevolence” in this world. So many people forget that benevolence is real. What we focus on is what we shall see. Focus on the good.
Pardon my language, but yes – from one perspective, a grand “Sh#$” storm is hitting our species. From another perspective (the one I am holding), we are experiencing miraculous, wondrous, and bountiful new shifts in consciousness.
This is a remarkable time. If we only looked for the positive, it would be everywhere we saw.
Your mind, is so powerful. So, incredibly powerful. If the world was a negative place, and you said no. You said no, I live in a positive place. So it would be. You control reality. What you think, is what happens to you. You see, if your life “sucks”, it’s your own fault. If you are “lucky” it is because, you have the power to influence “luck” which is actually just the great spirit. The Ether. The tendrils of reality, which optimism dictates. Yes, optimistic people get everything in life handed to them.
They get everything because they believe they can get it. Belief is everything. Believe for the better, and there will only a positive future for us all.
I know about conspiracies. For heck’s sake, I know about aliens. I know about all those secret projects and y’know what? I know that everything’s going to be okay. We must and are going to find an answer. Why? I believe in an answer. Therefore, an answer shall come to me. That’s the law of attraction. That’s how I intend to help heal, and solve the crisis between the truth movement and the government’s of our world. In all situations in our universe, it is love that heals things. Love, is the most revolutionary act there is. To love a government even though it has lied to me, is unconditional. To forgive, shake hands, and agree on a solution where everyone smiles – is what we need. I have to emphasize, forget about wrongdoings.
We are all the answer. Get up, do something. Change the world. Stop complaining, it serves nobody. Be the change you wish to see in this world. Now is the time of true revolution. The true revolution of love, when we all decide to be truly revolutionary and work with each-other. It is so revolutionary to just forgive, and move forward.
You see. The thing science will realize is that positive thinking reality creates positive realities. Our Brain is like the creator of this reality, truly. Whatever we experience in the brain is just what we experience. If our brain is only conditioned with positive thoughts, well.. ONLY a positive reality will manifest. What we need more than anything is a reimbursement of positive thinking, especially when it comes to the truth!
Take it from me. When you go down the path of thinking you know the truth, and all the while just being a living hell for your friends and family, you aren’t on the path of truth. No. We must know the truth, yes. We must know the truth, and STILL maintain a positive mindset. That is how we will solve our global problem where everyone wants to beat everyone else up (really, that is as petty as our conflicts get).
When you think positively, you create new structures in your brain. These structures can actually directly influence evolution. Intelligent Design and Evolution are both true. I intelligently design my universe, and therein am actually evolving whilst doing so. You see?
Think positive. We all need it. Think about a world where everyone came together, truly. No, no exceptions . Yes, we know, 9/11 was really, really harsh. Think positive anyway. When you do, you are more powerful and more influential than in any other condition.
If you’re pissed off because the government did this and the government did that, forget about it. It’s no their fault. It’s your fault. Think Positive. Change your reality. You are the only person who ever created it. You are god.
When you go within, and think positive you create reality. When you go out there, and lash out negativity you also create reality. The positive one is more powerful (always). Think about the little things. Stop complaining, because you are actually making negative realities stronger. Separate, and think positive. We are always and are always in control of our destinies.
In the White Light of the Divine