Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I don’t think heaven is some intangible, far-off place that we should focus so heavily on that we forget to enjoy our lives right now.
I think we can create heaven right here on earth, and I, like a lot of people, want to do everything I can to raise the collective vibration and make this world heavenly.
There are a few belief systems that resonate with me, and they all preach the idea that heaven can be found and/or created on earth.
Spiritualism, which I write about but don’t practice, endorses the idea that life is a journey filled with constant lessons. It also promotes the concept of consciousness living on after the body dies.
Most people who hear the term ‘spiritualism’ probably associate it with mediums and channeled messages that have to do with life after death, but there’s more to the religion than meets the eye.