Posted: 02 Sep 2011 05:03 PM PDT
Have you recently been feeling like a lost soul? When you are with family or friends you used to enjoy, do you feel as though you are different and don’t fit in anymore? Have you felt your skin seeming to feel tighter and more uncomfortable, as if the old limitations are squeezing you, so you want to shed your skin like a snake?
Be aware that these are all symptoms of the evolutionary process of these times, and there are many who are experiencing these very same tendencies. Your world has shifted and the environment you are living in may not be appropriate for your energy system any more. Many of you have never felt as though you fit into your family of origin and were always considered a bit unusual, and perhaps even the “black sheep.” If so, this could be the time you have been waiting for.
All you “lambs” are being called into the dimensional life that more expresses your true being at this time. It may mean you must leave behind all that was familiar. Since each person is creating their world by the vibration they most resonate with, what you may see around you does not resemble your images. You may feel a definite sense of “being lost,” yet your heart is probably feeling more hopeful and uplifted at the same time. The differing belief systems within and around you are becoming more polarized. When you try to sort it out in your mind, it can become even more confusing.
This is not a time when your intellect is of great use; in fact the difficulty of pondering these apparent oppositions is that this practice will continuously cause you to lose energy. From this level of exhaustion you will not be able to raise your vibrations in order to embrace, or even be aware of, the new possibilities that await you in these changing times.
Creative Solutions Abound
One of the most empowering ways you can see the world at this pivotal moment in history is to know that Creative Solutions Abound! It is obvious that nothing less than a miracle may be necessary to solve world situations that appear dire and immediate. The Law of Creative Solutions is provided by a benevolent Universe for you to have a foundation where you can center for new hope and expanded perspectives in your life and in the world. The higher frequencies of Divine Light working on the earth can offer far reaching, seemingly miraculous, and very Creative Solutions when put into action.
God Exists in all Circumstances
In every situation that you face that seems dire or confusing, ask God for a Creative Solution. When you see no way out of your current financial or health challenge, call forth a Creative Solution to work in your highest good. When there are situations in the world that seem dark and overwhelming, pray that the power of Creative Solutions intervene for the greater good of all concerned. The Law of Creative Solutions exists as an immutable law just as the Law of Attraction. It makes sense that anyone who could open to the Higher Power, with its greater vision and understanding, would be able to see a creative solution when none is apparent from the vibration of the situation. The Law of Creative Solutions when activated, allows Divine Intervention to work in ways you never thought possible. It is a powerful tool you can use when you feel helpless and overwhelmed. Praying for a Creative Solution will provide you a graceful way to lift your vibrational frequency, while becoming more neutral, thus bringing Divine Light into situations that have confounded you.
Once you start working with the Law of Creative Solutions, new pathways will open in your life. You become more resourceful than you have ever been. All manner of assistance, seen and unseen, align with you so you no longer feel so adrift and alone. It is a new time when higher frequencies of energy are available to be channeled in directions that will bring greater good into every area of your life. You also will be uniting with many other people in harmony with your evolving belief systems. There are millions of people who are growing in this awareness and want to work with you to bring more peace into the world. These blessed beings have all felt alone, unusual, left out and scared.
There is a rainbow circle of souls gathering to bring forth Unity Consciousness on the planet. Together you will uplift vibrational frequencies and assist the evolution of the earth and your individual soul. More and more information is being revealed to support these truths, from the Angelic Dimensions and Master teachers, as well as from the scientific realms. The requirement for cooperation and unity is becoming the most obvious source of empowerment for the changes facing the earth at this time.
Billions of Years in Evolution
Over billions of years single cell organisms learned to cooperate with each other so they would not destroy the environment that supported them. Their cooperation helped them to learn to adapt and begin to thrive. The same situation is facing humanity. The ideas of domination and competition are alien to these new times. More and more people are aware of this now and it is becoming a powerful symbol of evolution on this earth.
Call for Creative Solutions in your life and in areas of the world where you are focusing attention. Know that your prayers are a vehicle of Higher Consciousness, and they are always answered. It may be in ways you would never have imagined; yet prayers are always answered. The energy frequencies now heightened on the planet become chaotic when they are not focused in positive directions. It is becoming clear that it is important for more people to be focused on Creative Solutions in order for universal harmony and more imaginative resolutions for the highest good to prevail.
Time to Receive
When you call forth Creative Solutions, and sincerely ask for Divine Intervention to work in your life, it is also important that you give yourself time to receive inspiration. Sit quietly in Nature, or in a comfortable place so you can take long slow deep breaths that will nourish you. In doing this, you create more balance in yourself and raise your spiritual energy. This will open you to an expanded perspective of the world you live in. You can let go of your problem knowing that you have offered the situation to a Higher Power, and new ideas will come to you in Divine Timing, often in very synchronous ways. Mentally grinding on the problem to find a solution will only slow down the process.
The Creative Solutions you call forth also blend your soul with others who match your vibration. This enables you to feel yourself becoming a part of a more creative wholeness both within and around you. Here is a prayer for you to consider:
Divine Presence, All That Is,
Please bring the power of your Creative Solutions into my life right now. All situations that seem to have no hope of resolution facing me as well as others, I ask for Creative Solutions to manifest. Into the minds of all government leaders, all people who are struggling, every environmental situation, may the Light of Creative Solutions flow bringing expanded perspective, new vision, and harmony for the highest good of all concerned. I invite my soul community to come together so we can share in these wondrous times.
I give thanks that this blessing is available to all who seek, and I am grateful for the Creative Solutions working in every area of my life. I AM blessed that Creative Solutions abound!
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: August 28, 2011
Permission to use this post is given, as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s)