July 23, 2013 The Creator Writings
Part of your Earth plane existence is to engage in clearing age-old
patterns that have kept you stuck right where you are ~ not moving forward, not moving back. The urge to busy yourself with unnecessary “noise” and “things” may have kept you safe to this point, but they are no longer serving you. Now…NOW is the time, my love, to understand that only you can change these things for yourself. Releasing them need not be arduous work. Make it fun, make it play, make it exciting! You have that ability……….use it! ~ Creator
Thanks father
When were so close to ascension, ive totally lost interest in my job, i find i cant concentrate and im generally not bothered. I wished i had the time to just stay at home, look at the stars and meditate all day. Sometimes it overwhelms me, but then i remember how my very job 'reminded' me of our dear friends out there, because i was traveling i managed to 'see' them again, after all these years of forgetting. My job also makes me work at night, high up so i can see the stars, pure as they an be, undisturbed by city lights. Thank you Creation.
Love and Light