crime uprisings from nowhere? hmm.

Jazz's picture

Maybe we havent 'gotten the LEAD OUT' after all..or are we shooting LEAD bullets lately? Yeah ZOMBIE and UNDEAD and VAMPIRE killers..there's a reason those BULLETS are banned, other than wayward firing.


I know how sensitive they are, I almost set off a sniper bullet a at shelter in SAN DIEGO. Dont ask me y the Marine snuck one out...thats another matter.


LEAD has many sources...PAINT from the 50s...untreated basements...improper seals...


OLD FUEL....(primarily GAS-O-LENE..)


Slashdot reports indicate violent crime upticks are linked to LEAD. YEAH, LEAD, as in that TOXIC metal.


Seems to explain a lot. I dont rememebr if that was our solution, but LEAD and toxic chemicals before birth are known to caus MENTAL ILLNESS later on in life of the child.
