SEATTLE -- Mysterious crop circles have appeared in an eastern Washington wheat field – not far from the nation's largest hydropower producer – but area farmers preparing for the summer's harvest find the distraction more amusing than alarming.
"You can't do anything other than laugh about it," said Cindy Geib, who owns the field along with her husband, Greg. "You just kind of roll with the theory it's aliens and you're special because aliens chose your spot."
Encoded Crop Circles = a language to Us.
International Past Life Hypnotist=Teacher~~Dolores Cannon ~~advises us to view all of the Crop Circles (approx. 120+) as they are an important encoded language being sent to us for filing into our subconscious minds ~~ and will be fully understood in the near future.
Crop Circles
I had read that Delores Cannon had said to look at all of the crop circles. So, about 2 weeks ago, I sat down and viewed pictures of every single one I could find. I stared at each one for almost a minute.
Around an hour later, as I was working in my flower bed, I felt this SURGE of Joy and Happiness go into my body! It's hard to describe except for feelings of Elation and Joy!!!
I was home alone and felt a need to share this with someone......anyone. So, I called my mom and told her what I just told you! She thought it was great that I was feeling all this Love!
.......and then she asked if I had been drinking. :)
Try it! (not the drinking). I would love to hear if anyone else has had this experience.
Blessings to You ALL!