The Crumbling Cabal: Rothschild Indicted for Fraud

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Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

For anyone who doesn’t currently read alternative news, this will come as a surprise, but for those who have been keeping up with the myriad cabalistic shenanigans, this latest intelligence concerning the fall of the family Rothschild is a breath of fresh air in a choking smokescreen meant to confuse the sane among us.

Baron David de Rothschild could soon be locked up for a good long while in a prison cell, breathing some stench of his own creation. He has been indicted over a fraud scheme brought to light by expatriots living in Spain.

French police have been directed by a judge to locate Rothschild to bring him in for questioning. His crime?

He, and his company, the Rothschild Financial Services Group, are accused of falsely advertising an equity release loan scheme, bought into by more than 130 pensioners between 2005 and 2008.
