Part 5 ~ 10 September 2012
Thank You to Lucas
Upanishadic Lore
“Apart from the ego there is neither death nor birth.This vicious (apparent dream) circle of deaths and rebirths is sustained only by the primary ignorance which is the ego. The ego itself is death, because he (or it) is the negation of the Truth, which is Life.He must not only be dethroned, but must be put to death. For there is no safety so long as he survives. Until this sense is surrendered, Spiritual teaching cannot be understood. (None could possible exist who can commence to understand the World of Spirit! Besides Such World, nothing Is! Such is simply more dream lingo—nothing less nothing more!)
“Deliverance is not in the top of the sky, nor deep inside the earth, nor on the earth; it is just the extinction of the (dream) mind, with all its desires. He that finds the Self—who is concealed in the Heart—shall enjoy profound happiness which is the simultaneous fulfillment of all (Divine) desires.
“For a very small price—the surrender of the ego—this infinitely great One, the Self, is to be had. But this small price has to be paid. (More dream lingo, as none ever did or could exist who could possibly pay such a price in order to find the Self! Besides the Self, there is no existence!)
“The Egoless State is the state of unclouded Reality, where It shines as the pure I Am. This is the Natural State of the Self as the Sole Reality.The Natural State is (in dream lingo, said to be) true Birth,because death is dead once for all. Until such Revelation (role termination) takes place, one is not free from bondage. (There is no revelation, none to whom revelation comes, and assuredly none existing who can be freed from bondage and transported to Heavenly Freedom or Bliss thereby! All that Heaven Is Now—Is all that Such Ever was or could be) There is no need to becomethe Self. The idea of becoming is on the face of it absurd. We (the Reality Beings behind all dreamers) are the Self always. We are never other than He. (Apparent)Deliverance is ours here and now—if only we lose the ego.(And, of a Truth—the ego will never disappear by focusing on changing, healing, or killing such, etc. All illusion or false being vanishes only with the vanishing of the mind which perceives and practices such.) Deliverance is the State where the Truth alone shines, and nothing else. He that retains the ego (or yet performs in a dream role as an ego entity) is necessarily imperfect.” (Ibid. pp75,76- Upanishadic Lore). (see A Crystal Clarification, p70)
“When one loses his life as a sleeper and dreamer (or as an illusory false-self of dream), then he awakens as the Self. The waking and the ending of sleep are simultaneous. Until his relinquishment of himself as a personal (or separate born) mind and thinker, he is denied knowledge of the Real and the Eternal.” (Ibid. p77). (Simply more dream lingo, as no one exists who can awaken as the Self! Nothing did ever or could ever ‘Be’ but the Self! Hence, none exist who could possibly be denied knowledge of the Real and Eternal!)
“Sometimes someone will ask, ‘Just how do I contemplate?’ To contemplate is to consider. And this means to consider things as they really are,and not as we (or some so-called ‘other’observing supposed born entity may) wish them to be, or hope they will be. (Therefore, this matter of contemplation is reduced to one universal conclusion—namely, that there is but One Eternal Considerer or Contemplator—even the One Infinite Omnipresent God Mind,which is All that actually Is! Such is inclusive of All Reality Beings behind each and every actor/actress of dream—hence, the True you dear reader, is always That very Thing. Indeed, human mind can know only the realm of the not yet or make-believe—even, the mirage world of incompleteness, limitation, beginnings and endings. Hence, all its so-called meditative efforts must be directed only toward the futile pursuit of ‘becoming’ or thinking to acquire—at a time in the so-called future—that Perfection which it always has not. It must follow then, that to ring the death knell of this fallacious imposter is to—in a sense—allow that Infinite Perfection which Always Is, to be manifest in its stead. However, this is not something that ‘begins’ to happen! Rather, it is what Eternally exists as the Constant and Joyous Reality behind all make-believe actors and scenarios of dream.)
(In this way) we (as the One) are not hoping for an improvement of any so-called condition or situation. We are simply considering the Infinite Eternal Perfection that (everyone—as the Boundless I Am— already)Is,right here and now.” (Marie S. Watts, The Ultimate Awareness An Eternal Constant, Vol.1, p33).
The subtle ego
The following fantacity—although such constitutes a so-called personal testimony by Rabindranath Tagore—does just as certainly apply to all other names or personalities functioning in the illusory realm of so-called human existence.
“Rabindranath Tagore has been searching for God for millions of lives. He has seen God sometimes, far away, near a star, and he started moving that way but by the time he reached that star, God had moved to some other place. But he went on searching and searching—he was determined to find God’s home—and the greatest surprise was that one day he actually reached a house where on the door was written: ‘God’s Home.’
“You can imagine his ecstasy, you can understand his joy. He runs up the steps, and just as he is going to knock on the door, suddenly his hand freezes.‘If by chance this is really the home of God then I am finished, my seeking is finished. I have become identified with my seeking, with my search. I don’t know anything else. If the door opens and I face God, I am finished—the search is over. Then what?’
“He starts trembling with fear, takes his shoes off his feet, and descends back down the beautiful marble steps. His fear is that God may open the door, although he has not knocked. And then he runs as fast as he has never run before. He used to think that he had been running after God as fast as he could, but today he runs as he has never run, not looking back.
“To this day Mr. Tagore is still searching for God. He knows God’s home, so he avoids it and searches everywhere else. The excitement is great, the challenge is great, and in his search his ego (or he as a so-called “ego personality”)—continues to exist. He is not afraid of God, because he knows where God lives. So, leaving His home aside, he goes on searching for God all around the universe. And deep down he knows his search isnot for God; but in the search to nourish his ego (or himself as an ego entity).
“By reaching God you discover Bliss. (Just more dream lingo, for none exist to ‘reach’ God or to discover Bliss! All that Eternally Is—Is That, now and forever!) Blissfulness does not allow ‘you’ (the false you) to exist; you (the ego) have to disappear. That’s why you don’t see many (yea- any) Blissful egos in the world. Misery nourishes your (or you as an) ego—that’s why there are many (yea, only) miserable people in the world. The basic, central point is the ego. For the realization of the Ultimate Truth, you have to pay the price—and the price is nothing but dropping the ego. So when such a moment comes, don’t hesitate. Dancingly disappear. With great laughter, disappear; with songs on your lips, disappear.”Osho (Such a moment is called—Divine Cueing, and transpires at the precise pre-set timing declared in the Script Divine!
When such moment arrives the fact of disappearance is optionless! What Joy!)
Human consciousness (or the ego) imagines that it can seek after Truth. This false notion is highly coveted and promoted throughout the illusion of human existence. Such is a great fallacy! One supposed born man is accordingly admonished by another—ad infinitum—and so the ego mass imagines that it can, in sincerity, seek for and find the Truth regarding Divine Identity and access the Kingdom of Eternity by sitting at the feet of another whom it thinks to be more enlightened than itself. Such may travel this blind way for days without number, and all that can ever come of this non-sense is only an unsatisfying on-going futile endeavor. This illusory practice can only engender heart-rending disappointment,thus apparently perpetuating the longevity of the subtle ego. There is no ending of or outlet to this non-sensical circle of guru/disciple mesmerism short of the termination of one’s acting role within the illusion of dream. Truly, there is not, nor could there ever be such a thing as a born man who genuinely seeks the Truth. The reasons for this are plain. First of all, so-called humans are not even real entities and never do become such. And secondly, the design of the Cosmic Play has it that all Play egos seek only self-profit and inflation, as is so profoundly illustrated in the above article.
However, in the final analysis, the ego is portrayed—in the dream—as coming to the realization and acknowledgement of its very own self-deceptive and unrealistic nature. But this is made possible only by the going forth of the Cue of Divinity in accordance with the precise timing within the Cosmic Play Script. Such is the nature of role termination in the dream. The ego of dream thus comes to see clearly that even it’s so-called questing after Godis simply just another self-centered intellectual feat of its assumed genius. It is further seen that simply all its affairs—bar none—amount only to the utter futility of on-going distraction which culminates behind the mask of a ceaselessbecomingorattempted evolvementinto That Immutable Indivisibility and Infinite Completeness which always Is. The ego is in this manner characterized as being done!Done with all seeking and learning endeavors! Done with all methods and steps to achieve so-called enlightenment!
Hence, it is obvious that ego eyes seem to see—but see only what is unreal, mortal, temporary, and incomplete. So also—that its ears seem to hear—but hear and believe only that which is utterly untrue and fantastic. What seems to be a so-called awakening takes place, otherwise called role termination, but apparently only in the very last extremity. But the clarity attending such declares that there is no mortal anything in existence—never has been, never will be! Hence, nothing and no one actually existing to awaken or become so-called enlightened and obtain Eternal Life!
The conclusion of the whole matter is that there is no one or thing in existence which can ever be described or categorized as—self-realized. That is, the ego cannot ever be realized or transformed into something that is real. Much less can any ego come to realize that it can become or return to being God. The ego—or snake of dream—is not representative of God! TheRope alone is God!And assuredly, the Rope never did nor ever could actually become the snake. In dream lingo, the snake is simply a make-believe perversion of the Rope. Obviously, no actual distortion Thereof could ever exist! Clearly then, there is no one or thing in existence such as a so-called human or creation of temporary material beings! Hence, there is no race of beings that are separate, apart from, or other than the One Alone I Am Presence.
The term self-realization as invariably defined within the illusion of dream is singular in its intention: namely, to promote the erroneous teaching of ‘becoming’. Such advances the notion that entities of the realm of the unreal can eventually awaken to and as their true Divine Identity—even the Universal God-Self of All Actual Existence. With such usage, this term is highly distorted and therefore rendered less than meaningless! Of a Universal Truth, naught exists to be awakened, much less added to the Eternally Complete and Immutable Self which never did or could sleep in a dream. And assuredly, no part of Such ever did or could fall requiring a painful journey to return thereto.
There is alone one sense in which the term self-realization has significance. Namely, as pertaining to role termination stage one. At such event, the false self of the dream is caused—at the precise timing by Divine Cueing—to realize its own unreal or fictitious nature and is thereat instantly dissolved leaving not a trace.
The first usage of this term purports to offer eternal life to an evolved human entity or ego of dream, whereas the latter usage assures the utter dissolving of the false-self thereof—Eternity remaining as Ever the Unchallenged, Uncontaminated, Immutable Bliss Existence Absolute! Such is all that remains as Ever It Is in the stead of the dissolved menacing ego of dream.
By no means is this saying that Such Divinity Absolute ‘begins’ to manifest at role termination. Never was there a time in the Originless and Endless Expanse of Infinity Absolute when Such was not in Radiant Manifestation as All that Is, which is inclusive of all Reality Beings behind each and every last fictitious role player of the Grand Divine Play. It is simply the nature of the Drama of Earth that Such Manifestation appear to take up residence, or the Real to be evident as Ever It Is when the unreal has disappeared—vanished!
A clear example of the picture in point is when the water mirage in the desert has vanished, the sand behind or beneath such is said to instantly become visible or in evidence. But truly, the sand remains as ever it has been and wherever it has been. In other words, the sand did not ‘begin’ to appear or to be present at the moment the illusory and unreal mirage disappeared. The false only temporarily seemed to cast its cloak over that which was really and truly present all the time. To even imagine that the water ‘becomes’ or has turned into the sand, is an unacceptable absurdity! So is the unique nature of the Joyous Earth Play Divine!
Of a certainty, the concept called self-realizationhas less than no meaning in the Sole Existent and Immutable Reality Absolute. Only in the Dream, is such temporary mist being projected. And therefore, the dream ego is designed to realize but one thing only—namely, its total non-existent nature as such, and the necessity that it entirely disappear—vanish! This done, all that can possibly remain is That which always Is! Hence, the Actual You—Wonderful Reader—as well as all other Beings of Reality—are Everlastingly That very Thing!
This seemingrevelation or awaking is the straw—so to speak, that finally breaks the camel’s back and which instantly accomplishes the disappearance—in total—of the ego or so-called snake of dream. Hence, it is clear that it is naught but this imposter ego or the so-called humanmind alone which may be heard—in a boasted religious context—to make the repeated mental affirmation—“I Am That!”—whileneverbeing capable of knowing aught concerning what it is to Be That Immutable Perfection and Blissfulness which I Am That I Am unceasingly Is.
Truly then, there is but one disposition for this fallacious imposter. That is—to die; to submit to its own self-death. And assuredly, such self-death is—for every last ego of dream—unavoidably programmed into The Script of the Great Cosmic Play. Hence, it is said that all that remains or does appear in the place of the mist of Dream (which includes not merely the dissipated ego, but its entire outlay of so-called human existence and material reality), is the Infinite Universal Self of All. For the Sole Reality behind the ego, is, of course, That very Thing—even the Rope of Immutable Absolutism.
And therefore, as Wisdom repeatedly declares:“This price (that is, pre-ordained role termination) must be paid”—in order that the Divine Awareness and Universal Fact alone may appear. In this—is constituted the complete picture, for such is the Pre-design of the Unique Script Divine! Truly, the Actual You, Dear Reader, is—as is the Reality Being behind Rabindranath Tagore, not other than That very Master Designer.
“It should now be clear to the reader that the physical and mental ways which bring help and healing are taking place in one’s sleep (or in the illusion world of human existence alone). They are ways which man himself has discovered to help make the darkness less fearful and difficult. In the East they allude to this as ‘the Mercy of the Lord.’ (However,) The Absolute Way, disregarding the ways of the palliative (or human mind methods of temporary fixes for illusion bodies without knowledge of or addressing the underlying cause) altogether, seek—as Jesus (eventually) did (after he ceased from so-called teacher/healer consciousness)—to waken man from sleep. Then not only do his (apparent) troubles vanish without treatment, but he (as The Only Self is unceasingly aware of) his Reality—his (Immutable) Perfect state.” (Lillian De Waters, Greater Works, p78).
It may be of interest to note the unique way in which so-called Ascended Spirit Consciousness expresses or interacts through and as Jesus, as well as all other so-called ascended or role terminated Divine Personalities, in reference to the idea of awaking man from his sleep. Such expression or manner of involvement is to be thought of in the following sense alone.
There is no so-called medium-ship consciousness in play here! That is done, along with the bogus little mind which practiced such! There are absolutely none who are recognized as ill, ignorant, or asleep on the part of Beings that are said to have finished their role in the realm of dream! Therefore, there is but one way alone in which Perfection Consciousness or Divine Mind can function—even in that very identical manner in which It Everlastingly has functioned throughout the Joyous Originless and Endless Timelessness of Boundless Infinity. In short, Ascended Spirit Consciousness never—ever—acknowledges or confirms in any way, shape, or form, a delusionary state or so-called condition of imperfection!For nothing of such nature is Real or True! And therefore, never—ever—does It acknowledge or confirm that there is such a thing as an actual human creation that assumes it must age, very possibly become diseased, and eventually die. Nor does Such ever acknowledge that there is someone in existence in need of transcending a mortal illusion called dream and being delivered into the Realm called Real. Absolutely none of this exists to Divine Spirit Consciousness! Assuredly, such utterances are entirely inscrutable and therefore unacceptable to the mind called human! Simply put: humans live always in the unreality of falsehood. Divinity is the Realm of Truth and Reality! Such Glorious Domain Exists Alone without a second!
In plain language—Cosmic Consciousness knows no such thing as a so-called illusory temporary human race in need of awaking from any make-believe world of trouble and pain! And therefore, the Sole State which Spirit does Eternally acknowledge and affirm, is only and always that Immutable Reality which It Unceasingly and Everlastingly Is. Namely, the Boundless and Immortal Kingdom of Bliss Existence Absolute! This is the sole Activity and Reality Focus and Emanation which Jesus apparently went on to fully see and Be. But it is by no means being said here, that the True Eternal Being behind the Jesus role in the dream, ever ceased Being and Seeing All that Such Everlastingly Is. This could never be the case! After the so-called little mind of the man called Jesus in the dream, was dissolved at the Cue of Divinity, only Divine Mind henceforth was functioning via the Jesus body until that which is called transfiguration—or the utter disappearance of such a dream body occurred.
The Greater Works
Hence, the words—“It is expedient for you that I go away.” This, and nothing more or less than wholly this, constitutes the sole nature of that which is referred to as, “the Greater Works.” This and this alone is the sole manner in which Divine Consciousness performs relative to and in Its interaction within Its Joyous Cosmic Play.In plain language,Divine Consciousness is as a Great Sun which never at any time sees even a trace of darkness, because there never is any darkness in existence to see.
“Now, you may be asking, ‘What are these Greater Works? What could be greater than the works Jesus performed?’ Here we begin to arrive at the Ultimate. (But, of course, no one really exists who begins to arrive at any understanding, let alone the so-called Ultimate Truth).
“The Constant Uninterrupted Consciousness of Omnipresent Omnipotent Perfection, completely eliminating even the appearance of evil, sickness, sin, sorrow, lack, birth, change, death: this is the Greater Works, and this is the Ultimate.” (The Ultimate- Your Self Revealed, by Marie S. Watts, p128).
Assuredly, it follows that in the unceasing blazing Light of this Universal Emanation—whatever may suppose itself to exist as something separate and apart from or other than This Radiant Reality and Perfection Absolute, tends to be stripped to the very core of its folly and nothingness.
“We are to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. The word overcome bears no relation to curing a disease, but to dethroning personal (or born-man) ego. Only when this takes place are we aware (or Being Infinite Awareness Its very Lovely Self, and therefore Immutably mindful) of Reality and Perfection, and sit in the throne of our Real Self and Being.” (And again, it is an utter impossibility for any one or thing to exist which begins to be aware of or Be the Universal Self and the Absolute Reality Such is Unalterably Being). (Greater Works, by Lillian De Waters, pp78,79).
“The only death there is, is the cancellation of human sense and personal ego. (So-called) Physical death does not cancel this. It must be cancelled while we are living (if it can be assumed that human beings live—which truly, they don’t—for, of a Truth, Beings must exist in order to Live).(However,) This is indeedthe (the seeming effect of the so-called dream man intuiting the Bliss of Reality which is referred to as the) Greater Works—(and it is this Awareness which is incorporated into the Cue of Divinity which is said) to obliterate the (so-called) personal (or ego of dream), and so without physical death,(such is said to) enter into Life Eternal.” (Ibid. p81). (However, it is clear that none exist who could possibly enter into Life Eternal! That Mind which displaces the ‘seeking’ mind is Always in Life, for Such Is Immutably and Everlastingly That very Thing! Besides The Mind of Divinity, there is no existence!)
It is a great Universal Truth that the Greater Worksare indicative alone ofliving Life as It always truly Is,within and as the Spirit Reality which changelessly Is. Besides this, the term Greater Workshas no meaning.
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