Crystal Energy Grids

Unity5D's picture




Crystal energy grids is something I just started doing, and will be expanding on in the next week or so.


These grids, when cleansed,charged and activated are extremely powerful and will give you a stronger connection to the light and help raise vibration/consciousness.


This entire universe and our planet function on energy grids. Life in all forms is based on the flower of life/sacred geometry. The earth has many grids including the consciousness grid which is responsible for our ascension process and without it, we would not be able to move to higher realms.


This is something very interesting and can take you beyond what you know. Creating these grids in your house are for the most part very inexpensive and very powerful. They will maintain a strong enrgy within you and your sacred space.


One Love





Guest's picture

Thank you!  I have a natural affirmation with stones...and have recently been drawn to sacred shapes...perfect!  Thank you, can't wait to start tomorrow.