The Current Power Node ~ Energy Portal of the Equinox

Lia's picture

This is going to be short but sweet, but I feel so incredibly urged to share this understanding.

Power Node = Energy Portal

We ALL entered a Power Node on September 23rd, 2011. I know we have another one coming up Oct. 23rd. Until this very moment, I really didn't understand what that means to any of us, well I do now!

So if it feels like energy or anything has been held back from 9/16 thru the 23rd... in a way it has as it was all gaining power to be released forward. (it really is so much easier for me to understand this inside than find words that work outside lol.)

Imagine everything you think, do, say and feel for a solid week moves to a point (energy portal) where it becomes a sling shot of energy. Look at it is concentrated karma that was gathered the week prior is now moving at the speed of Light into your present and future, recreating the entire story of life based on individual and collective energy fields (the micro and the macro) of that power node.

From what I am understanding, the energy of this moment will start to form the created reality of our Life about the 29th thru the 1st of October. We will just get settled into (whatever this means to us personally and globally) and wham... we hit another power node on the 23rd of Oct.

All of this leading up to the 5 days of inward reflection just after the 11/11.


With so much excitement, and thanx to those two wonderful souls who answered my non-verbal question of, did I make a positive impact on life last week!

Lisa Gawlas



Hi Lisa, Nice post!  Can you

wizomcraze's picture

Hi Lisa, Nice post!  Can you fill me in on the 5 days of inward reflection after the 11:11?  I haven't heard of that!  I have heard of the 3 days of darkness(scripture) or the 30 hrs of darkness(Drunvalo) on or about NOW!- but not the 5 days of inward reflection.  Thanks Lisa, love your posts! oxoxox