Dabi: Do We Dare Keep Our Hearts Open?

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Dani, Removing the Shackles, Aug. 25, 2012




I’ve pondered this question for years. I’ve waxed and waned on it, occasionally cutting myself off from the flow of the negative to guard my bruised and battered spirit, taking respite in burying my head in the sand for a while. And for a while the view from under the dirt is numbing and deliciously peaceful, but deep inside you know that that blind sense of calm tranquillity is not real.


Then the intermission is over and it’s time to return to the surface, to wash the sand out of my eyes and take a look around.


The Controllers of the main stream media “News” focuses continually on the murder and mayhem and the scenes of violence and destruction, constantly bombarding our hearts with utter blackness. They guide your attention to feed your fears- fears that they instilled in you to begin with.


The underlying message is “There is no hope here” because people without hope just give up.


Our hearts are our guides. The cabal knows this, and they take every opportunity to desensitize our hearts to the evil and wrongness of the world. They’ve created division to keep people separate and used the media to continuously drown us with their images. Movies, TV, Video games, Music, Sports… They’ve created distrust to keep people divided. They’ve created alienation and prejudice to keep people in distrust. They’ve created distrust to fill people with animosity and indifference.


The Powers That Be, for centuries and millennia, have divided people by race and colour, religion and philosophy, political ideologies. They’ve spent centuries telling the people “THOSE people are different. THEY are not like you. THEY are wrong and you are right. THEY are not worthy”.


The time has come for us to analyse the words that we’ve had programmed into our society and our consciousness to divide and separate us. Words like Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Capitalist, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Catholic, Christian, Jew, Agnostic, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Sikh, Pagan, Coptic, Messianic, Orthodox, Extremist, Gay, Straight, Bi, Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Mulatto…

These are man-made words, created to control the masses. They’ve created a fiction by which we’re forced to use these words to define ourselves, creating a paradigm of right and wrong, good and bad, and to fire up volatile emotions- which make humans easy to manipulate.


United we stand, Divided we fall. …and that’s the point, isn’t it?…..

