Dana Mrkich ~ Is Your Inner Commentary Twisting your Hose? ~

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We’ve all got some kind of running commentary in our heads, acting like the voiceover to our personal life movie. For some it runs from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. For others, especially if you’ve done a certain amount of meditation or inner-work, the commentary has long periods of silence but still pipes up every now and again responding to some challenging situation.  The commentary can range from the mundane, running through to do lists, to profound insights and ideas directed by our intuition or higher consciousness.

The type of commentary that is most common however, and the most debilitating, is negative self-talk. We may not even realise the way in which we speak to ourselves, but next time you suddenly feel your mood change, a wave of anger, depression, anxiety or some other emotion taking a hold of you, your body tense up or feel heavy, your solar plexus knot up, your neck tighten – try to remember what thoughts you were just having.  Try to remember beyond the topic you were thinking about – let’s say it was worrying about money. What was your commentary saying exactly? “I never have enough”? “Life is always such a struggle?”

We hear these thoughts and believe that they are our truth, because they are reflecting how we think or feel about something in that moment. So we just let the commentary tape keep playing because we assume it’s just voicing what we’re thinking and feeling.

The problem with this is that our commentary tape is not only voicing what we’re thinking and feeling in that moment. The tape is also voicing thoughts and beliefs based on experiences that happened years ago, generations ago to our ancestors and even lifetimes ago! Further, our commentary tape is sending its message forward into our tomorrows! It’s as if it is sending the script for tomorrow’s scenes out ahead of us. We think we show up each morning with a blank page, ready to start fresh, but not so. We actually already have the energetic script set up for us, which we pre-wrote with our former thoughts/beliefs/wounds etc and our physical has to play out to match it. So our yesterday’s thoughts of ‘Life is always such a struggle’ set up situations for us in our today’s and tomorrow’s that are a physical match to that. The physical isn’t punishing us or judging us, it’s just responding in the exact same way the props guys and actors and wardrobe department respond to whatever directives have been put out by the screenwriters and film director.

The good thing about this knowledge is that we can change our energetic script anytime. We can replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk – or even silence is a better alternative if positive self-talk is too big a stretch right now.  Imagining something you enjoy like the beach or a fun activity, is another better alternative.  You can picture a big red stop sign and say stop in your mind anytime you catch yourself saying something negative about yourself, and if you go blank after that it’s okay. There’s a lot of emphasis out there on positive self-talk, but it’s okay to have a bridge until you can get to the positive stuff. The bridge acts like a circuit breaker, disconnecting you in that moment from the negative stuff. In that moment of disconnection, you’re automatically shifted into your authentic flow space so positive self-talk is more of an optional extra choice anyway rather than mandatory.

Think of yourself as being part of a long hose connected up to Source Energy. When you go into negative self-talk, you’re twisting the hose making it really difficult for good stuff to flow through to you: wellbeing, happy feelings, abundance, opportunities. When you let go of the negative stuff, the hose untwists and goes back to it’s normal flow state. We don’t really have to do anything or say anything special to be in our optimal state – it’s more that we need to learn how to stop doing whatever it is that blocks us from our optimal state.

So it’s very empowering to find out: in which ways do you twist your hose? Do you get caught up in negative thoughts and self-talk? Did you know that just because you think something about yourself, it doesn’t mean it’s true! Just because you think “I’m such an idiot” or “I’m not good enough” doesn’t mean you have to believe it. It’s okay to say to the part of yourself that tells you regularly “I’m not good enough”: “I AM good enough.” It’s okay to say to the part of yourself that has as it’s daily mantra “We never have enough money”: “We are always taken care of.” If that feels like a lie, try another tactic. Come from a more proactive stance: “I now open to new ways of receiving, so that we always have enough. Thank you.”

Over this next week pay attention to your inner commentary. Pay attention to your moods and feelings and check into what kind of thoughts led up to those feelings. Our inner commentary tape has a lot of gifts and messages for us, but left unattended it can run amok and re-create situations and patterns in our life that have long passed their use by date. It’s up to us to check in with it regularly.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2013

Dana Mrkich is an Energy Intuitive, Author of A New Chapter, Creator of E-course Create a Life you Love and an inspirational teacher, writer and speaker. For more info, please visit her website, join her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.  www.danamrkich.blogspot.nl / link to original article
