~The Dark One’s Final Deadline: 11~4~11~

Lia's picture



This is RC, ascending Gaian, and I share my Light and Love with all at these moments.



These are the final moments for the Dark Ones to make the choice they individually and collectively choose to make.

We, humanity, along with Mother Earth, father Sun, our Solar System, together EMANATE our LIGHTS, for LOVE of One Self, through our individual and collective completion of the old, dense 3rd/4th dimensional reality, and for Love of One Self, through our individual/collective momentum of ascending as divinely as possible with minimal negative affects in order to commence New Light realities to divinely express one self, through Light and Love.

Our individual and collective ascension is solely based on our own individual and collective awareness of realities felt, but not seen. Until the moments arise, that we move forward, in order to truly feel, and see that our dreams of better lives for all, exist in higher dimensional realities, indeed! The assistance, guidance from a multiplicity of higher dimensional LIGHT Beings, Civilizations, Associations, Confederations, Federations, and Councils truly have been felt lovingly, and you, all, are so important in our individual and collective ascension process that I truly share my Light and Love to all of you that are too many to write in one page alone. You have been assisting us (humanity, solar system in general) divinely on levels beyond comprehension at times, but soon enough we will realize what we have done, and what you have done and connect, on a deeper spiritual level.

For without their backing of us (humanity, solar system in general), the Dark would have succeeded, for this is past tense, therefore, will not occur. Our Galactic, Inter-Galactic, Universal, and Omni-Universal Light Families have paved the way to new realities in the Light by removing Dark Ones that refuse Clemency, allowing us to truly see, what’s going on in our evolution from “we are the only intelligence that exist” to Light Beings.

These moments are for one, to continue emanating one’s Light within, sharing one’s Light with other Light Beings, and preparing our selves for the magical moments that will arise, where we meet our Galactic, Inter-Galactic, and Inter-Universal Families of Light.

It is during these moments of ascension that I begin to realize the inevitable, heartfelt, as it may be, but nonetheless, the inevitable for the few who choose to continue contemplating about becoming Light, or remaining Dark.

The Dark Ones, individually, are in one’s final moments of making the choice that each individual sees fit for him/her/it. I know, in my heart that many Dark Ones will choose clemency, and they will commence feeling the Love of Light pouring into their Being, transforming into the Divine Light Beings that they are.

I share my Light and Love with the Dark Ones that choose otherwise as some may choose to return directly to Omni-Universal Creator, to be re-cycled, and re-utilized once again, for energy is never destroyed. While others may choose to remain in the Dark, thus prompting immediate action from Omni-Universal Creator, through the Loving Force of Light, sending them to the farthest reaches on the edge of Omni-Universal Creator’s existence, void of Light so the can choose to live in total darkness, or begin the ascension process of becoming Light, once again. Those Dark ones that make this choice will not have the ability to consume Light anymore, through manipulations of negative emotions by violating the Universal Law of Free Will and many other violations of universal laws that exist.

In my perception, the Dark Ones, individually, have a deadline of making the choice for their soul lives’ progression; each Dark Souls’ final choice of 1 of the 3 choices present must be submitted within by:

FRIDAY: 11/4/11 on 4:11 P.M. local time.

Those who choose not to submit their individual choice by this moment will automatically transform into Light while simultaneously, and instantly return to Omni-Universal Creator for re-cycling, and re-utilization purposes.

We, collectively, have had enough Darkness, and we know, in our hearts that ascension continues with or without the Dark Ones transforming into Light. These moments are about progressing one’s awareness, understandings, and feelings thus ascending towards oneness, individually and collectively with all that exist. Knowing Love from within, and emanating Love outward to all that exist on planet earth, and throughout the Cosmos. For Light is present and continue to grow individually and collectively. We all have made our individual choice of emanating Light, and, collectively have chosen to ascend with mother Earth. We are Light, and we are here to stay!

Dear Dark Ones, please make the loving choice, for you have much to teach and learn.



We are Love, No Matter What!

The Energies of Light and Love, completing the Old, and commencing the New are all around: Compassionate Love for All, Peace, Harmony, Inner Knowingness, and Oneness with All. These energies of Light and Love are for Light and Dark to share, as One.

May One Bless One, As One with All.
RC Towers


