You can't fully understand the truth if you are still living in denial.
Some of the strongest denial is from people who still believe that the "bad guys" are winning -- and are unwilling or unable to see the obvious signs of how the whole house of cards is coming down.
For that same reason, in the first section of this investigation, we will go through a variety of pieces of current-day evidence -- showing how Financial Tyranny is already very, very close to collapsing.
One of the most shocking pieces of evidence is a very public divorce between warring Illuminati factions -- namely JP Morgan/Federal Reserve versus the occult powers that have secretly occupied and seized control of the Vatican.
After reviewing many of these types of current examples, we will then debut brand-new whistleblower testimony -- suggesting 9/11 was indeed an "inside job."
This adds valuable context to our discussion of Financial Tyranny -- and gives even more evidence that the official story was a complete fabrication.
We will also explore the shocking evidence that a 7.4 earthquake on March 20th in Mexico was man-made -- for a nefarious purpose, by a group that knows it has run out of time.
Read his amazing new article here: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1035-divineintervention1
PS: Thank you David for the mention of the American Kabuki Banker Resignation list! Wow....