Day 55 ~ The Fingerprint of God

glr_Andrea's picture


Day 55 ~ The Fingerprint of God



Hi – Here we are at the 2nd of June 55 days into the Fibonacci Spiral  coinciding  with the commencement of the Olympic Games in London on 27th July

In the United KIngdom, at present, we are witnessing the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II’s reign – which has the potential to bring in a great unity of consciousness and community spirit within these lands – street parties are popping up all over the country and many other nations all over the World  will be watching the pageantry and ritual that unfolds over the next few days -  all part of the weaving of what is to come. 

For this activity of the Diamond Jubilee is creating a focus of energy upon these lands which is all part of the build up and initiation for a Cosmic awakening in humanity.

But whilst all this human activity is going on there is  another dimension unfolding today.  From the Mayan calendar 10 Etznab is the underlying energy of the moment…

Etznab is the Mirror that reflects back to each of us clearly our inner state of consciousness.


Journey with me now to the centre of my Hall of Mirrors

By being empty, simple, still

Freed for a moment from the endless circling

Of the maze of mental illusion in the world of appearances

I Am Etznab

Find my Timeless reflection in the powerful reality emerging,

Where time stands still; there will the entry point to the Great Mystery appear.


The number Ten is about manifestation, it is the passkey to true identity in all Worlds. The resonance of Ten unlock the gates to the Great Mystery that is manifesting through you.


The required qualities for this manifestation are intention, motivation, true identity and  the foundation of Essence Self, which are all aligned in unity.

So within the fanfares, trumpets, flags and celebrations of this Diamond Jubilee, which are an outer manifestation of a far deeper Soul intent – we are mindful of the inner stillness and alignment that is required to allow the Great Mystery to appear, wherever we are in the World.

For Essence aligned with intention creates an etheric thoughtform, an energy matrix image.   And so together we will continue to hold the intent for the grounding of the Cosmic activation through a portal of Diamond Light at the Olympics.

All will be aware by now of the upcoming Venus transit of the Sun on June 5th/6th – but you may not be aware of the interconnection of Venus with the Fibonacci cycle.



The cycle of Venus around the Sun creates a pentagram in the sky which is founded upon the spiral of Fibonacci



The Maya were tracking Venus transits because, during each eight-year cycle of transits, the rays of the Sun focus her heightened frequencies intensely upon the Earth. And with Venus and the Sun aligning in a few days we are to be infused with an outpouring of Light for the expansion of human consciousness.

Everything from our own fingerprints to the vastness of a Galaxy carries this Fibonacci pattern - it is  the Fingerprint of God.

If you would like to know more about this follow the link provided here:-


The Fingerprint of God


In the meantime, all blessings to you, and may we hold the inner stillness and intent for the unfolding of the Cosmic Blueprint. 

I Am the Divine Oness of my Soul

I Am the complete integration of my Monad

I Am the Loving Vibration of the Creator

I Am the Keys Patterns and Codes of the Creator's Love

I Am Love and I magnify the Love of the Earth

Till we meet again on the 23rd of June 34 days before the Olympics

All love

Sue and Peter




Thanks Sue and Peter...It's

Doreen Smith's picture

Thanks Sue and Peter...It's too bad I couldn't see the video...I get the message though... Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to You and ALL! NOW! :) <3